Project: Erica


Jul 8, 2003
This case has been with me since my start in computers, was also the first home made build I did, Mid 2001 after reading too much [H] :D I gutted my old emachines to build it, started off as a 600mhz celeron with 128mb ram, S3 Savage 4 and an ancient cd burner and ended up as it is today, 1ghz PIII 256mb ram, radeon 7500 and the same ancient cd burner which for some reason along the way I decided should be blue :D I actively used this case from 2001 up to 2005 as my main computer and up until recently as a legacy box. I figured its time to retire the PIII and use the case for something better as it has gotten pretty ragged along the way and not to mention virtual-box kind of made it redundant.

The reason for the name is that my late gf was in love with this case, she kept bugging me and bugging me to give it to her but I loved the case too, after I wouldn't give it to her she kept bugging me to mod it and clean it up, I never got around to it, feb 2009 I lost my gf erica to a car wreck. I never did get around to modding the case. So we come to now, it just crossed the three year mark since I lost her and I never messed with the case, time to do something with it.






Trip down memory lane:



Note the Ecs heat sink hot glued to the North bridge :p mobo is a Procomp Bvc3a


ATI Radeon 7500 64mb, hits a whopping 1711 3d marks with 3dmark 2001 :eek:


Old Zalman copper heatsink:


the old green monster:

Case gutted:








Don't quite think 120MM fans will fit..


$45 for this case back then, got it at a little place called Microseconds


Now for the modding:

The good stuff from home depot:

washed and sand blasted:




window mod fun:




freshly cut out before squaring the edges:


Finishing the case to a smooth paintable surface


Just chillin





decided on a industrial look for the window mounting, stainless 1/4-20 bolts and wingnuts for quick removal


quick picture before deburring the holes


Stopped last night at the top blowhole:

Are the jagged/uneven cuts for the window part of the "industrial" look?

BTW, subscribed. I want to see where this is going too.
Are the jagged/uneven cuts for the window part of the "industrial" look?

BTW, subscribed. I want to see where this is going too.

Bottom of the window still needs some work, need to go to harbor freight and get me a real air powered die grinder to smooth it out some more, top side is within 3 degrees of true on both sides and its around 10 degrees on the bottom, once I work the lump on the bottom it should be ok. I may or may not put u channel around it not sure yet.

Same goes with the blowhole, once I get some flap wheels for the die grinder I'll get it 100%
I keep kicking myself in the ass for not getting a holesaw :eek::D
I have that same Zalman heatsink. It's a work of art. I like how you took the case down to bare metal. it'll be cool to see how it ends up.
Got a little more done on it, mainly the top blow hole smoothed out.


Its circular enough to not notice it with a fan cover on it, pretty good for a dremel and a flapper wheel die grinder :D


When I was at work friday I noticed while changing the blades on our auto bandsaws that the blade cover would work really really well for a corner channel material. Just after I got the blowhole done a bit ago I ran to work and grab a bunch of it out of the trash, it turned out pretty good, plan is to paint it black.


Beginning some painting
Front panel:


before cleaning, ick lol



Decided to get out all the goodies I bought for the case, this thing is going to glow like nuclear reactor :p



decided on these covers for the power and hdd light, the leds inside glow blue

After some more painting... Krylon > cheapy wallyworld brand


Krylon gloss black:


yes that is spray paint :eek:

I like the way the paint is turning out. Is there something different with spring paint as opposed to automotive paint? Is it an epoxy type paint?
How much time invested so far? This is great, yet another simple modder who inspires me to keep trying, to get that one really cool glowing mod made all by myself!
I like the way the paint is turning out. Is there something different with spring paint as opposed to automotive paint? Is it an epoxy type paint?

I dont think so, I believe auto motive paint comes in different colors, and is a little more durable since it is made for vehicles to travel into the weather. But thats just me.

My buddy told me when it comes to plastic parts the Krylon for plastics is amazing.
I started tuesday with taking the case in early to work and washing/sandblasting it, so this will be day 5, once I finish the paint and get it dry I can start assembly.
Nice project. I had the exact same case back in the day... I thought I was the only one.
Looking good so far! Keep it up!

Will a 92mm fan fit on a back? At least its better than an 80mm. Or maybe a 120mm fan on the CPU HSF then ducted out to the 80mm hole.
80mm barely fits, the 92mm fan from the zalman heatsink is to big too.

The paint is krylon indoor/outdoor gloss black, metal, wood,wicker, more on it, upc 51601
I started looking at the front green panel.. scratched and dull were the words to describe it.. figured hmm.. headlights are acrylic too.. went to the autoparts store and picked up a headlight kit:


I was a bit skeptical at first but it turned out well


yes all that is reflection :D



I was rather unhappy with the paint on the window panel, then again the whole panel was giving me shit since I started, :eek:

stripped and repainted it:



Looking much better! still needs a few coats:


this is the cats way of saying "i'm hungry feed me!" she wouldn't leave me alone while I was painting XD
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Looks like the first case I ever modded (jagged window and everything :D).

Your paint skills are top notch, grats there.
Yea I don't like how the side window turned out, plan on fixing it later, its ok for now though

down to the last piece, the case:


this paint:




initial assembly:





Plan on finishing assembly tomorrow and getting better pics. off to work soon for me.
Finally.. shes finally done. :eek: excuse the camera, droid x is being a buggy piece of crap :eek:

back in the day (2004):







My VT rig went in, Phenom II 965be 3.4ghz, 4gb ram, Asus gts 450
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Very cool. Looks good. What's the thing above the UBS/headphone/microphone jacks? Never seen one of those contraptions before! :confused: (haha, kidding)
Oh that old thing, heh well once upon a time we only had 1.44mb of portable storage!
The usb thing.. It actually came out of a Raidmax Ares which I gutted a few years ago. works pretty well though, could look better :eek:
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I had the exact same case (complete with clear green plastic thingy on the front) for my first build, a 1GHz Athlon Thunderbird, 512MB of RAM, Radeon DDR 64MB AGP... don't remember anything else about it at this point. Had that case in a closet for years. I cut the ever-living-hell out of myself moving it once a few years ago and tossed it, though. Thing was all sharp edges.
I had one of those cases too. Used it for a Celeron 366 build (overclocked to 550 maybe?) for my wife if I remeber correctly. Nice work on the mod.
nice man!! very impressive.. I remember the first time i saw one of these cases. I wanted it so bad lol
Nice job and touching story, just dont tell any current/future gf/wife about the story behind this case. They'll think you're still stuck on her and hold it against you forever. Not that I've ever had experience with this. :rolleyes:
I wish I was more daring with my window mod and had screwed mine in like yours is. Instead I have this fat H channel stuff running around the edges and the inside seem of the rubber holds the window in. THe plus side is that it covers how crappy my cuts are...
Anyway, I really like the modern upgrade you made to the case. I am sure Erica would have liked what you did! :)
Nice old school case modding man really nicely done. That just goes to show that there can still be life in old truly nasty stuff.
Pretty good job on the paint.

I like the way the paint is turning out. Is there something different with spring paint as opposed to automotive paint? Is it an epoxy type paint?

Coming from someone who has a lot of self done/some help custom fabrication going in to a project car (no body kit!), and who does some painting himself...

Spray paint and automotive paint are worlds apart. Paint from a rattle can is generally not very good stuff. You can go buy a can of spray paint for $3, the last time I bought a paint to redo a piece I spent $60 for a quart of just color. Automotive paint is generally primer & 1 stage (clearcoat/color mix) or primer and 2 stage (color coat then clear coat separately). Clear coat generally gives the reflection and shine, color gives depth (to generalize). The old saying "paint is 90% preparation,10% paint" is pretty true.

If I were to paint a case properly:

Take it down to bare metal with 220grit
Spray a couple coats of suitable 2k primer
Sand that smooth with 400-800 grit
Spray a coat of color, then lightly color sand that with 800 grit.
Spray another coat or two (or more until primer color is hidden) of basecoat
Spray a couple coats of clear coat on top of that
Wet sand with 2000grit and buff to a high gloss

The same process will apply to pretty much any paint you use if you want to get a good looking finish.
Had this same exact case. Used it for my first build. No offense, but it was a piece of garbage, but I didn't know better, and things were different back then. You certainly managed to give it a great overhaul. I eventually bought a new case and gave it to my brother. Unfortunately, I was not smart enough back then to consider buying an after market PSU (which wasn't as important in those days) - ultimately it went bad and fried everything in it.