Project: CaseNuke

exile29 said:
Hmmm... I thought of changing the LEDs to green, but that would mean sticking a 150 ohm resistor in front of each one. I'm not sure if I want to crack open the box to do that. Maybe just too lazy. As for the power supply: I wanted to get the black annodized PS, but they weren't in stock. :( So it's blue. A little color variation never hurt, right? ;)

The Blackard boys better not be dissin' the Hendricks boys mods! :mad: Actually, at this point, I just need some very tiny lettering.

He-HE, Naaa not dissin nuttin, It looks sweet. I really like the contrast of the bright yellow against the khaki green. Its a cool look. As for the lettering, just let us know what you need!
If any one else on this board needs any decals for a mod you can reach us at
[email protected] :)
Nice mod. I think the yellow could have been a bit darker, but, hey it's your mod. Keep it up.
Xbrid said:
Nice mod. I think the yellow could have been a bit darker, but, hey it's your mod. Keep it up.

Looking Very Good, and as someeone else said doing together with your Son is great, and time well spent. I plan to do the same thing in the next few months, well I have two Daughters, and I will be building them a Rig, once i get mine started and done. :cool:

Any finished pics of this project yet? Just curious, realized that you used the same
case manf. as the one i have ;) looking good but we need some final pics!
Wow.....way to dig up a one month old thread you guys. :p

Either it's been this long and the case hasn't yet been finished.....or he forgot about us. :(
cornelious0_0 said:
Wow.....way to dig up a one month old thread you guys. :p

Either it's been this long and the case hasn't yet been finished.....or he forgot about us. :(

Yeah I have been wondering my self, but then again he did say that he was going and then did state he had the Operation and was having some pain but all in all was okay ???
I just hope there were no complications and he is okay.

Actually. Isnt it a "year" old now :p :rolleyes:

But yea. Was hoping that amid all the pain there was progress, and not more pain ;)