Program to Fix Dead Pixels!

Crazy Larry

Oct 12, 2004
I was browsing around when I found this program on Widow PC's site:

Neither of my laptops has any dead pixels but if anyone does, couldn't hurt to try it out. Here's the instructions from their site:

We recommend running the dead pixel fixer video for at least a few hours and if it doesn't work try it over night. If they still are not fixed in the morning, then you will need to contact the screen manufacturer to discuss returning the screen for repair.
LOL! Am I the only one who covered his eyes before starting the thing? I cringe and hit the play button, then see a red screen. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but what does it take to fix a dead pixel, anyway? :rolleyes:

Nice find. I'm going to give this a shot tonight.

Edit: Wow, I thought I had hit the play button, but I hadn't. Holy seizure inducing banner ads, Batman!
I've had pretty good luck just simply poking them a bit with my fingernail, dosen't always work, but has worked 3 out of 4 times.

I had a dead pixel on my Gateway laptop when i bought it. I poked the dead pixel and it started working again, hasn't died again in over a year.

Same thing with my cheap LCD TV. It had a dead pixel out of the box and a quick poke turned it back on again, it's been gone for a few months now.

Had 2 dead pixels on an old laptop, a poke fixed one, but the other just wants to stay dead :)
The same "poke" technique works with lit pixels as well. I just fixed a lit pixel that had been there for 8 months (since I bought it) by turning the monitor off, applying press in that area with my thumb, and then turning the LCD back on again. It flickered for a few seconds then started acting like a normal pixel :)
How hard do you poke the pixel? I have an always red pixel on my 19" LCD that bugs the crap out of me. I tried rubbing it when I first got it but that didn't work.
What about stuck pixels? I have one pixel that shows up a dark pinkish on lighter or white background.
I applied a pretty decent amount of pressure. Enough so that liquid changed colors, but went away in about 10 seconds. The idea behind it is to massage the liquid on to the pixel because it wasn't properly spread during the manufacturing process.