Program for sharing files online?


Jun 20, 2006
My friend and I would like to transfer a few large files online to each other, and all the free services like have file size limits that are too low for us. So I used winrar to split the file into chunks that yousendit would allow us to share, but this is a little bit inconvenient. Is there a program that allows me to share files with my friend? Even better would be if this program allowed me to restrict my upload bandwidth so that it does not become a bandwidth hog while we are sharing the files.
set up ftp's servers on your computers... no limitations and it is direct from you to them, no 3rd party sites involved to slow the whole process down....
MrGuvernment said:
set up ftp's servers on your computers... no limitations and it is direct from you to them, no 3rd party sites involved to slow the whole process down....

Thats what I would do also.
How about an FTP server.
You decide what is available for download and you can have an upload folder for your friend to send you things.
Your friend could also run an FTP in the same fashion.

I last used BulletProof FTP server over a year ago so dont know which would be the most secure App now.

lol just saw the previous post on the same, I had the window open far too long :)
Chernobyl1 said:
How about an FTP server.
You decide what is available for download and you can have an upload folder for your friend to send you things.
Your friend could also run an FTP in the same fashion.

I last used BulletProof FTP server over a year ago so dont know which would be the most secure App now.

lol just saw the previous post on the same, I had the window open far too long :)

Ctrl + R = Gooood ;)
About this setting up an FTP thing, well that of course is one option. But I actually have some webspace (about 5 gigs, plenty for anything I would want to share), but when I tried uploading my file to my server using the FTP, I would get some weird error after a while, something about "200 type set to I" and "binary" or something, I forget. Does anyone know why this happened? It prevented me from using my FTP to share the files. Would this also happen if I set up my own FTP like you guys are suggesting?
see, thing is, why introduce more time

webspace - sure great, but now you waste your time uploading it to there, and then your friend downloading it

FTP - you send - done.

change your FTP client to upload in binary mod, it could also be, just because you have 5G of space, doesnt mean your web host wants you putting up 5G files foir people to download, or large ones for that matter (100mb+) legit files or not.
...but with uploading it to webspace = fast downloads for friends instead of sending each time at slow upload speed
I think one issue that everyone in this thread so far has missed - and it's ok, 99.999% of people do - is that your Internet service, whoever your provider is, typically comes with an AUP, an Acceptable Use Policy, or perhaps they call it a TOS - Terms Of Service, and were you to read that AUP/TOS completely, I'll bet good money that somewhere you'll find a clause (or two) that specifically states you are not allowed to use your connection for any server usage, including and or not limited to:

FTP servers
Email servers
Torrent servers
etc etc

So, before you just casually start tossing around programs and links and general info about how to share files with friends and whoever, it might be a good idea to read your AUP/TOS before you head down this path. It's rare, I'll admit, but I have seen people lose their accounts just because someone at their ISP decided to have a bad day at work and pick someone at random and wham, the account is toast.

Just my $.02... be careful out there, people...
ok well thanks for the replies guys, but I think I'm gonna use the program Hamachi to create a network between us and then we can share files using Windows File Sharing as if we are on a real network together. Hamachi is an incredibly simple program to use, so I think it will be less hassle and just as good as setting up an FTP for us both.
Met-AL said:
...but with uploading it to webspace = fast downloads for friends instead of sending each time at slow upload speed

Good point, as well multiple people can grab it and not have to set up servers :D
bbz_Ghost said:
I think one issue that everyone in this thread so far has missed - and it's ok, 99.999% of people do - is that your Internet service, whoever your provider is, typically comes with an AUP, an Acceptable Use Policy, or perhaps they call it a TOS - Terms Of Service, and were you to read that AUP/TOS completely, I'll bet good money that somewhere you'll find a clause (or two) that specifically states you are not allowed to use your connection for any server usage, including and or not limited to:

FTP servers
Email servers
Torrent servers
etc etc

So, before you just casually start tossing around programs and links and general info about how to share files with friends and whoever, it might be a good idea to read your AUP/TOS before you head down this path. It's rare, I'll admit, but I have seen people lose their accounts just because someone at their ISP decided to have a bad day at work and pick someone at random and wham, the account is toast.

Just my $.02... be careful out there, people...

Puuuuh-lease. If the port ain't blocked, I am using it.
Here's another alternative. Burn to DVD and use snailmail. No effect on your bandwidth, but it does have more lag time than electronic methods.
Hamachi is cool if you dont mind that your connections go through Hamachi's servers.
Only to find the network. The connection is an encrypted tunnel between you and the other person on the network. But hey, I don't know this for fact. I've never spent the time to track it with ethereal or anything.
There's a firefox extension called AllPeers which I've been using with a few friends for a while now. It seems to be pretty decent, and it's damn easy to use.