Program for quickly switching between NIC settings (profiles)?


[H]F Junkie
Jul 27, 2006

I am looking for a program that might run in the background and allow me to quickly switch between different configurations for my wired NIC.

One profile I would have configured for a static IP address whenever I am at a particular facility.

Another profile would be the defaults to automatically attain info from DHCP server.

Another profile would be defaults BUT using manually entered DNS settings.

Another profile would be the same as above but using different manually DNS settings.

A program that would allow me to switch between these configurations quickly would save some time on my end as I frequent changes to my NIC settings for both diagnostic and functional purposes dependent on my situation and physical location.
>.< well I've searched several times in the past two years but couldn't find anything


You didn't say for what OS, but I'll throw out there that NetworkManager still works great.
Create a couple of settings files. Symlink the actual filename to one of your settings files. Done.