professional video game players

Erasmus354 said:
I find it highly suspect that somebody who cant put together a coherent sentence, or spell the word DEFINITION correctly, has the mental ability to read and understand a higher institute of learning's listing of their different sports/athletic activities.

awww is my post bother so much that you can't defend your point jsut left to atak my more superiar speling.... booohooo. Let's see if i care.......

TheCommander said:
There is no speed required in gaming. You dont have to do a 4.3 40 or be an excellent runner to play video games. You can be the slowest person on earth and still kick ass in video games. The only thing required is moving your mouse and using the keyboard. No agility required either except for as said before - mouse and keyboard. With the exception of using the mouse, your whole body does not nothing while gaming.
There is no mental toughness in video games either. In video games, you don't have to push your body to it's limits or play through pain or whatever else.
And I never said there was no mental thinking involved in video games.

If you're in a competitive enviroment, say in CS. All your allies and enemys are in the same room (not in game). All your teamates have died, you're the only one left. There're three enemies left. One's planting a bomb, the other two are taking watch of possible entry spots. Ther're are probably alot of things going through your mind. Who should I take down first? How much time has the bomb got left? Who's got the more effective weapon to take me down? What are the chances I take him down, and quickly get a headshot to the other guy? By that time will the guy have planted the bomb and start shooting me? Should I throw in a flashbang and take care of them? Are there any places for them to quickly hide if I throw in a flashbang? etc etc Shitloads of thoughts racing through your head while people are relying on you, and still having the strength, confidence to go on and beat those bastards down. That's mental toughness.
Also, if it's a long ass tourny, you could be awake for hours on end. Being shit fucking tired but still having good reactions to whoop some ass is pretty damn hard if you ask me.

-puts on flame suit-
figgie said:
for UT 2k3 not UT ;) big diff between the two.

UT is garbage anyways. :D

Nuzzles said:
If you're in a competitive enviroment, say in CS. All your allies and enemys are in the same room (not in game). All your teamates have died, you're the only one left. There're three enemies left. One's planting a bomb, the other two are taking watch of possible entry spots. Ther're are probably alot of things going through your mind. Who should I take down first? How much time has the bomb got left? Who's got the more effective weapon to take me down? What are the chances I take him down, and quickly get a headshot to the other guy? By that time will the guy have planted the bomb and start shooting me? Should I throw in a flashbang and take care of them? Are there any places for them to quickly hide if I throw in a flashbang? etc etc Shitloads of thoughts racing through your head while people are relying on you, and still having the strength, confidence to go on and beat those bastards down. That's mental toughness.
Also, if it's a long ass tourny, you could be awake for hours on end. Being shit fucking tired but still having good reactions to whoop some ass is pretty damn hard if you ask me.

-puts on flame suit-

This man speaks the truth. Clutching, for the round in a competitive level, of ANY sport, not just video games, is amazing, exhilerating, adrenaline-pumping. You may not believe it, but it's the same in any sport. There's that edge. There's an active thought-process involved in competitive gaming, and it's quite tough sometimes, depending on the stakes and what not.
Anyone who says there is no skill to play games professionally is retarded. I'm no professional gamer, and probably never could be. I played CS for 5 years and at best (9+ hours a day) made CAL-M. It is a VERY TRUE statement that those elite top players definately have a talent at what they do.

And, if you think you can learn over time and beat the best. Try it... take the challenge. But see thats not the real issue at hand here. The real issue is insecurity. Some people just cannot accept the fact that there are those out there that are better then them, yes even at something as simple as a video game. I'd like to see these guys goto CPL.. get OWNED by some of the worlds best, only to make the excuse, "I could beat this guy if I played a lot and practiced all day everyday." Then come back next year and get laughed out of the arena by thousands of kids because they just suck.

I just hate retards that think gaming doesn't require skill. Thats like saying math doesnt' require skill... or serious math at that.. professional math. Sure if you spend thousands of hours studying tables etc.. you can get good at math. But then there are those that are pure geniuses when it comes to computing numbers. No difference at all... same goes for running the mile, hitting a homerun, or taking a dump. Face it, people are better then you .. .and get paid for it. <--- period

Now back on topic, professional gaming is pretty much a gimmick right now. The average gamer is between the ages of 25-43 I believe, so until the average gamer can quit his job to be a professional gamer and support his/her family ... it will remain a teenagers gimmick and probably die off after a few years. If people like the CPL want to really grow they need to embrace the real gamer, not the pimple faced teenager looking for quick cash and energy drinks.

fromage said:
UT is garbage anyways. :D

This man speaks the truth. Clutching, for the round in a competitive level, of ANY sport, not just video games, is amazing, exhilerating, adrenaline-pumping. You may not believe it, but it's the same in any sport. There's that edge. There's an active thought-process involved in competitive gaming, and it's quite tough sometimes, depending on the stakes and what not.

Ok that is all good on what you said. Except that when you said "of ANY sport, not just video games" - well, video games are not a sport.
TheCommander said:
Ok that is all good on what you said. Except that when you said "of ANY sport, not just video games" - well, video games are not a sport.


sweating because you are nervous does not = physical excertion therby it is not sport. Just like chess is not a SPORT. And neither is CHECKERS!!
1 a : a source of diversion : RECREATION b : sexual play c (1) : physical activity engaged in for pleasure (2) : a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in
2 a : PLEASANTRY, JEST b : often mean-spirited jesting : MOCKERY, DERISION
3 a : something tossed or driven about in or as if in play b : LAUGHINGSTOCK
4 a : SPORTSMAN b : a person considered with respect to living up to the ideals of sportsmanship <a good sport> <a poor sport> c : a companionable person
5 : an individual exhibiting a sudden deviation from type beyond the normal limits of individual variation usually as a result of mutation especially of somatic tissue
synonym see FUN
Nuzzles said:
Also, if it's a long ass tourny, you could be awake for hours on end. Being shit fucking tired but still having good reactions to whoop some ass is pretty damn hard if you ask me.

-puts on flame suit-

I really don't feel like arguing about athleticism and video games but this this is just in general. I don't see how people can get tired from playing video games. There were times where I've played for hours and hours straight and never got tired.
TheCommander said:
Ok that is all good on what you said. Except that when you said "of ANY sport, not just video games" - well, video games are not a sport.

Fine, but why are we arguing this point then? Personally I don't think it's a sport neither, but nevertheless it's a competition, just like NHL, NBA, PGA, etc.
fromage said:
Fine, but why are we arguing this point then? Personally I don't think it's a sport neither, but nevertheless it's a competition, just like NHL, NBA, PGA, etc.

I thought you were arguing it is a sport. :eek:
TheCommander said:
I really don't feel like arguing about athleticism and video games but this this is just in general. I don't see how people can get tired from playing video games. There were times where I've played for hours and hours straight and never got tired.

I'm talking about staying awake for 40+ hours and still being able to whoop some ass.
TheCommander said:
I thought you were arguing it is a sport. :eek:

No, I personally couldn't care less. However, it's becoming big, bigger than ever. I don't see it as a sport, but I see as a competition with lots of potential to be very entertaining. And there IS money to be made. There's plenty of professional gamers today and can make a living off it.
haha, this thread is great!

If I won a ton of money and basically didn't need to work anymore, I'd take a few years and try hitting tourneys and essentially I guess, train to compete in these big cash prize, huge exposure events... The fiancee wouldn't care cause we're fuckin rich bitch...

.. just gotta win the lottery... yah...


J-M-E said:
No fatal1ty is just some professional douchebag who got famous playing Doom 3 online, possibly the worst game ever made. Hope that answers your question :)

And how are you a professional??

Wooaaah I didnt even have to read the rest of the thread to know you're a total moron. You obviously have NO CLUE WHAT SO EVER about what you're talking about and your opinion is completely invalid and worthless. Fat got big playing one of the Quake games. While most other "pro" gamers were satisifed with winning some prizes here and there Fat was smart enough to market himself to all the newbtards who think his name will make them better.

Yeah I also dont agree with calling them "cyber athletes" thats just bs to make the overweight or skinny dorks feel good about themselves. I dont mind playing with the pros though...

Its also obvious many of you haven't played "pros" a lot of it is training and some of it you're just born with it.
Its got nothing to do with fatal1ty's ability, its all the sound the card! So I suggest you go buy a fatal1ty x-fi if you wanna compete like he does.
TheCommander said:
I really don't feel like arguing about athleticism and video games but this this is just in general. I don't see how people can get tired from playing video games. There were times where I've played for hours and hours straight and never got tired.

It's possible. If you do anything for long enough, your body becomes fatigued. 16 hours of gaming is going to leave you needing sleep; 24 hours will leave you exhausted.

Of course, the same can be said of watching TV and stuffing potato chips in your mouth. Your brain needs to sleep in order to function.
talley said:
1 a : a source of diversion : RECREATION b : sexual play c (1) : physical activity engaged in for pleasure (2) : a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in
2 a : PLEASANTRY, JEST b : often mean-spirited jesting : MOCKERY, DERISION
3 a : something tossed or driven about in or as if in play b : LAUGHINGSTOCK
4 a : SPORTSMAN b : a person considered with respect to living up to the ideals of sportsmanship <a good sport> <a poor sport> c : a companionable person
5 : an individual exhibiting a sudden deviation from type beyond the normal limits of individual variation usually as a result of mutation especially of somatic tissue
synonym see FUN

I argue with people "for sport". But arguing isn't a sport. See the difference?

Gaming isn't a sport, by definition.
Ive posted in audio about the whole "fatality" thing. Good for him if he can make some money off video games. BUT these people are no more athletes than my grandma. Athletics combines physical skill with the challenge of a game or contest. A monkey can play video games. I would sooner pound sand up my ass than support video gamer endorsed computer components.
magoo said:
A monkey can play video games. I would sooner pound sand up my ass than support video gamer endorsed computer components.

So very funny, I am not fond of fatal1ty, but if someone(endorsed computer gamer) who wasnt a tard marketed a high end product it would be a different story..

It's inevitable, but "fatal1ty" is doing for professional computer games what vanillia ice did for rap music, not the right image, and not appealing to more than 10 people..
talley said:
1 a : a source of diversion : RECREATION b : sexual play c (1) : physical activity engaged in for pleasure (2) : a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in
2 a : PLEASANTRY, JEST b : often mean-spirited jesting : MOCKERY, DERISION
3 a : something tossed or driven about in or as if in play b : LAUGHINGSTOCK
4 a : SPORTSMAN b : a person considered with respect to living up to the ideals of sportsmanship <a good sport> <a poor sport> c : a companionable person
5 : an individual exhibiting a sudden deviation from type beyond the normal limits of individual variation usually as a result of mutation especially of somatic tissue
synonym see FUN

wow so sex is a sport!! outstanding! I mean sexual play... so sex is a sport...this is great news!!
figgie said:
wow so sex is a sport!! outstanding! I mean sexual play... so sex is a sport...this is great news!!

Jenna Jameson should have several gold medals. :D
Sex has more athletic components than "professional video gaming" no doubt.....still a monkey can do that ,too. :D Remember always use a condom!! ;)
I would like to go to a convention that had the very best of the sporting world. Competitive eating and professional gaming.

Naturally I would wear my modded Power Glove(tm) and psyche both side out.
"Pro video game player" is undoubtedly the epitome of GEEK. This Fatal1ty kid probably puts in 70-80hrs a week playing games.....sheesh, get a life.
EarlMcFish said:
This thread needs to die!!!!!!!!!!! Just like Fatality...j/k

This thread cannot die! It is completely useless without pictures of fatality! How can we prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is or isn't an athlete! This thread is useless, USELESS I say! without pictures. :confused:
ATW said:
"Pro video game player" is undoubtedly the epitome of GEEK. This Fatal1ty kid probably puts in 70-80hrs a week playing games.....sheesh, get a life.

He's making quite a bit money putting in the same amout of hours as any other full-time job. Maybe more because he actually enjoys his job...
Hard as it may sound, some people don't have to play games nonstop to be good at them. I stopped playing ut for 2 months and logged back on and kicked ass. I know for a fact its not much more different from the few "pro" players ive played (and got my ass handed to by).
ATW said:
"Pro video game player" is undoubtedly the epitome of GEEK. This Fatal1ty kid probably puts in 70-80hrs a week playing games.....sheesh, get a life.


I'd have probably gone pro about ten years ago (Quake) if there had been enough tournaments with large payouts. The money just wasn't there back then. Yes, I was that good. I played with some of the original pros and could hold my own against them.

I say that to make this point: I played four or five hours a day, five or six days a week. It's not so much the hours you put as it is who you play with. If you play against high-caliber opponents constantly, either you get good or you quit. You can game 80 hours a week against average players and never be much above average, or you can game 30 hours a week against great players and be forced to get better.

I went almost five years with little-to-no access to broadband and can't get more than a couple of hours a week to play now. Lost my edge :(
I'll never be good enough to go pro but IF by some fluke I were to be labed as a Video Game Athlete I would be insulted.

Think of your typical, "stereotyped," Athlete. Now put that Athlete behind a computer and ask them to adjust the video settings in a game to give them the best competitive edge.

I know this isn't true for all athletes, but it was the first thing I pictured when hearing that label.