Processor failed?


Limp Gawd
Jan 14, 2004
So, a few months back i decided to dust out my case using some compressed air. I go to turn my computer back on and it hangs, im thinking.. what gives? So I reset the BIOS manually and go back into the BIOS and set my Athlon XP-M 2400+ 35 watt to stock (was running at 1.825 vcore and 200x12.5). Everything boots up fine and im back in windows, so to make a long story short.. my processor will not run over stock speed, not even 1 Mhz, not only that.. stock speed is 1.8Ghz/ 133x13.5. I even tried to set it to 200x9, and it will still hang. Does any one have any Ideas on why it will not go above stock?
have u tried to boot with only the necesities such as 1 ram stick just in case you run dual channel?
Nah, not for a mobile xp, is it? A lot of people used to run them up to 1.9 on good air, and 2+ on water.
Well I'm pretty sure 1.825V is high for the desktop ones and aren't the mobile ones supposed to be made for less voltage.........
The mobile xp core were basically hand picked athlon xp's that could do the most MHz with the least ammount of voltage, nothing like the new mobile cpu's with low power transistors and such. Or I could be completely talking out of my ass, I dont know.. it's late. Either way doesnt it seem strange to you that if the processor was indeed dying of over volting, that it will only run at 13.5x133, and not even 9x200, netting the same 1.8GHz?
nobi125 said:
Well I'm pretty sure 1.825V is high for the desktop ones and aren't the mobile ones supposed to be made for less voltage.........

1.825 isn't that high for a AXP, i ran my mobile 2600 for almost a year and a half at 2.75ghz with 1.95v on air. IMO 1.825 is a moderate voltage jump for those chips, but I always had very good air cooling.

It could be a problem with the board or memory since 9x200 doesn't work. The OP could try re-seating everything or double checking all bios settings. Pain in the ass, but you don't have much to lose.
Well, I went into the BIOS and loaded the fail-safe defaults. I'm now running my processor at 13.5x166, 2250MHz, 1.65vcore no problem. Thing is I still cant run 9x200.. even 8x200. So is my motherboard or memory borked?
If you're not able to run 200x9 it sounds like the board or memory, since bus speed rather than clock speed seems to be the limiting factor. Have you tried running a divider to rule out the memory?