Problems with Razr V3


Limp Gawd
Jan 21, 2005
I recently tried to unlock my black Razr V3 with a tutorial and files I purchased from eBay. The auction can be seen here.

I followed the directions and now when I turn my Razr on, the keypad lights up and 2 seconds later, the phone just turns off. I tried putting another battery in and that wasn't the problem. How do I repair my Razr?
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Okay, I looked at that but I don't think it'll work because it doesn't turn on for more than 3 seconds.
If you need additional info and phone specific help/tutorials, go to Look at their sticky'd threads on how to unlock a phone and stuff. They have all the software you need, and go into detail step by step.

Oh, but if you messed up the phone while flashing it (ie. corrupted firmware/rom file, cable connection, power), which is very possible, there is usually no way to fix it unless you send it back to the manufacturer.
Is there anywhere I can send it to get repaired? I'm willing to spend a little bit of money to do it.

Even someone on here....
Well, if you still have the same problem of it just turning right back off no matter what you do, you probably got corrupt firmware, or had an error during flashing due to a power or connection problem. I doubt anyone on here has any of the equipment to do a hard flash, so the manufacturer might be your only resource, but I doubt they will even cover it under any sort of warranty since you already void the warranty trying to flash it yourself. Maybe your best luck would be to take it to any cell retail store like at the mall to see if they can do a hard reflash for you. I highly doubt it, but its worth a shot. From most people that ran into the experience you just did, their phone was ruined and they couldn't get it fixed. Flashing a phone is not recommended to any amature, just because of situations like this. Taking it to a professional would be the only option I'd consider if I were new to modding phones, that is unless you consider yourself at the level of a "phreaker".

Saying that, double check to officially rule out any battery/power problems, loose connections anywhere, etc.