Problems with Doom 3 and SP2


Aug 7, 2004
Ever since I have installed SP2, Doom 3 has refused to work! The splash screen with the demon will show for a second, and then the computer will restart :confused: . Reinstalling doom didn't fix it either :mad:

I know it's SP2 causing the problem because once I uninstalled it doom worked fine.

Anyone else having similar problems?
doom3 also works for me and i have SP2 RTM installed. try to verify you actually installed SP2 RTM and not one of the RC's
DirtyHarry said:
This problem is with the RTM version btw

did you check the digital signature and md5sum of the exe to ensure it really is the RTM ?
I'm by no means an idiot when it comes to computers...but in do I check the md5 sum?
T-Bird 151 said:
I'm by no means an idiot when it comes to computers...but in do I check the md5 sum?

go here download put it in your system32 directory, then just open a command prompt in the directory that the exe you wanan get the md5sum for is in, type md5sum filename.exe and it'll calculate it and spit it out, then you can compare it, also if you have the md5sum in a txt file you can do md5sum -c md5.txt and it'll check all the filenames/checksums in the txt file.