Problems with 10.12 Reverted back to 10.10e (anyone else)


Jan 18, 2005
Im just wondering how many people are having problems with "10.12". I recently switched from 10.10e to 10.12 & its been a nightmare since.

1. Im getting alot of Lag in my games
2. When I alt tab out of games it takes forever
3. PC bootup seems a bit off

Just the overall performance seems way off. My 3Dmark score was scoring way lower then with 10.10e

are 10.11 & 10.12 drivers really this bad? are alot of people having problems? I know im only running a 4890 wich is an older card but I didnt think it would affect me all that much.
ya... 10.12's aren't that stable at all. I'm not a huge fan of preview drivers, especially since they are older than the ones before it. 11.1's will probably be much better, and have a boat load of much needed fixes.

I'm using 10.11's now, and not really having much problems.
I just went back to what was running theb est for me wich was 10.10e. so far games are running Smooth again & I gained about 800 points on my 3dmark.
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yes ive tryed all the 10.12s & even tryed 10.11 I stayed up till around 5am reading about the 10.12 drives. it seems like alot of people have problems & alot of people dont. I havent had any issues since i went back to 10.10e.

the lag was very noticable in all my games. Especially for the first 15 seconds when you started a new round or map (Single player). It did die down alot once you got to play but I noticed that it still seemed to run laggish.

After installing 10.10e I no longer have these issues.
I think the best drivers for the 4xxx series cards were the 10.5s. The 10.12s/10.12a's seem to be pretty solid for anyone who has the 6xxx series cards.
They seem pretty flaky but I can't be bothered to go back to 10.5s again. I've spent more time reinstalling graphics drivers in safe mode than I have playing games since I went back to ATI. So much fail.
alt tabbing is HORRIBLE in SC2, to the point where I get dropped from games.

in BFBC2 its fine.

Running a 6970 with 10.12a. Kinda wish I just stuck with nVidia at this point.
running 6970 with 10.12a no problems can alt tab out of SC2 no problems
I got and 6870 and haven't bothered moving from 10.10e yet. haven't heard anything about it really improving performance so I haven't wasted the time.
When I received my second XFX6970 I downloaded


and used that driver package.

I haven't had a single problem with Xfire or Eyefinity (or Xfired Eyefinity)
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I got and 6870 and haven't bothered moving from 10.10e yet. haven't heard anything about it really improving performance so I haven't wasted the time.

Same here. There really hasn't been anything to make it worth the while yet.
alt tabbing is HORRIBLE in SC2, to the point where I get dropped from games.

in BFBC2 its fine.

Running a 6970 with 10.12a. Kinda wish I just stuck with nVidia at this point.

Alt tabbing has nothing got to do with the graphics card. Unless something changed recently
Alt tabbing has nothing got to do with the graphics card. Unless something changed recently

Didnt have problems with my nvidia card.... :confused:

Also with 10.12a the auto fan control doesnt seem to work in CCC. I just checked my temps and the card sits at 80 degrees with no fan variation from the 25%. I had to manually boost it to 40% to get it to cool decently.
Also with 10.12a the auto fan control doesnt seem to work in CCC. I just checked my temps and the card sits at 80 degrees with no fan variation from the 25%. I had to manually boost it to 40% to get it to cool decently.

I have this issue as well, but I think that it's a manufacturer setting within the BIOS (I have 2 Sapphire 6950s) to prevent the fans from cranking up until a higher point. I just run my fans at 60% and that takes care of it.

When I received my second XFX6970 I downloaded


and used that driver package.

I haven't had a single problem with Xfire or Eyefinity (or Xfired Eyefinity)

I am also not having an issue. CCC sometimes spazzes out, but I blame that on outsourcing (CCC team is in Hyderabad)
6870 here on the 10.12a's, no difference from the 10.10e's, only reason i did 10.12a's was because i did a reinstall
I have this issue as well, but I think that it's a manufacturer setting within the BIOS (I have 2 Sapphire 6950s) to prevent the fans from cranking up until a higher point. I just run my fans at 60% and that takes care of it.

I am also not having an issue. CCC sometimes spazzes out, but I blame that on outsourcing (CCC team is in Hyderabad)

60%? Jeesh thats a jet engine.
Glad you posted this. I bought a 5870 last week and went from 10.9 with my 4850 to 10.12. I also noticed some weird things at start up. I haven't had a problem yet with Alt/Tab but I have noticed some lag here and there. Soon as I get home, I'll give 10.10e a try.
Rejected 10.12 due to blue screens on a 5xxx card. 10.10e is smooth.
Aren't I supposed to have the new AA options in CCC with a 6950 using 10.12a? Also my ccleaner and atiwinflash are still detecting my card as a 4800 series. I have wiped the drivers multiple times using the more thorough way with drivercleaner in safe mode and there still seems to be some stubborn registry key being left behind. Any ideas besides a clean install on windows?
Aren't I supposed to have the new AA options in CCC with a 6950 using 10.12a? Also my ccleaner and atiwinflash are still detecting my card as a 4800 series. I have wiped the drivers multiple times using the more thorough way with drivercleaner in safe mode and there still seems to be some stubborn registry key being left behind. Any ideas besides a clean install on windows?
If MLAA is missing from CCC then you should try some of the hacks:

Drivers (actually, I should say Catalyst Control Center specifically) are all over the place since the 6800 launch.
A bunch of hotfixes, then a new series, and another hotfix. Some cards show new options, others don't, it seems really random. Every picture of CCC that I've seen since November looks different, it's crazy.

MLAA might be missing.
Catalyst AI slider changes (Sometimes "Off" is there).
Some different/new AA quality sliders.

Hopefully some 11.1 drivers this month will clean this shit up. It's an inexcusable mess at this point. Just show all of the options and make everyone's life easier, AMD.
Everytime this discussion comes up, I can never resist just telling people to STOP using CCC.
So far no issues with the 10.12s on my 5750. Upgrading from the 10.10es to the 10.12s fixed the huge lag problem I was having in GTA4.
10.12's were making my machine BSOD whenever the monitor went to sleep and tried to wake up.

Back to 10.10's
So far so good. Im not seeing any change in my frame rates but I was getting good ones before. I have noticed a little smoother performance in booting and general gaming. Could just be my imagination but Ill stick with 10.10e just in case.
When I received my second XFX6970 I downloaded


and used that driver package.

I haven't had a single problem with Xfire or Eyefinity (or Xfired Eyefinity)

I installed those drivers and had my machine stable for 5 days know. touch Wood:D
Before that I had BOSD, freezing in games, artifacts and everything else that you can
10.12's were making my machine BSOD whenever the monitor went to sleep and tried to wake up.

Back to 10.10's

Yeah, I guess I spoke too soon. My system seems to be crashing every time it goes into sleep as well. Didn't really notice before because I hadn't been away long enough for it to sleep.
I went and tryed the 10.12s just to give them a shot & as well as the 10.12 hotfix maybe thinking I was doing something wrong. Bleh at the lag. here is what Ive noticed

1. When I try to open a maximize a web page I notice my mouse freezes for a split second till the page is open

2. booting up a game is fine until you Go in game. The first 10 seconds I lag all over the place then it catches up. There is still noticable lag but not that bad.

3. Windows start up seems a bit slower & Alt Tab seems slow as well. also Catalyst seemed to open up slow right after i got out of a game

I went back to 10.10e & tested everything I was having issues with & at least for my 4890 the 10.10e are running great. No lag, No mouse freezing issue or anything. I read online earlier today @ other various forums alot of people are having problems with 10.11 & 10.12's. It makes me not want to buy ATI anymore & go back to nvidia.
Yeah, I guess I spoke too soon. My system seems to be crashing every time it goes into sleep as well. Didn't really notice before because I hadn't been away long enough for it to sleep.
Originally, I was very frustrated because I stuck another 6 GB of RAM in my system and thought I had a badd DIMM. Memtest's, my motherboard's built in RAM checker all turned up nothing. Took out the 6 GB and my system was actually OK for a while but started rebooting again. Then I remembered I just installed these drivers and did some googling and saw all the complaints on the AMD forums. :(

Normally I don't have the latest and greatest CCC drivers and now I remember why I stopped updating every month. It's better to let all of the commandos go in first and make sure the digital coast is clear. :)
10.12 unusable on my 4870X2s (drop to 2-3fps when cursor in certain areas of the screen, affecting desktop and games). Reverted to 10.11.