Problems connecting to network domain


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 11, 2005
The hard drive on my work computer just died .... great, and I am having problems connecting to the domain that all the other work computers are on.

I just put a new HD in, formated the drive, and installed Windows XP, then applied service pack 2.

So when I go to "rename computer or join a domain, click change" and enter the information in .. it keeps telling me access denied. I know it is finding the domain, since if I type the domain name incorrectly it says it can't find it. If I type it in correctly it asks for my username and password.

Now I can go to network places, and I can see the group the other computers are in, and if I select the network storage computer it asks me for my username and password. Well If I type it in there, it connects just fine. However when I type it in, in the "rename computer or join a domain" it says access denied.

Any idea what's going wrong?
does the account you are using have permissions to add/remove workstations from the domain?
The domain admin is the person that administers the entire domain, has rights to just about anything, unlike your regular account, that has basic permissions.
The domain admin is the person that administers the entire domain, has rights to just about anything, unlike your regular account, that has basic permissions.

I understand this, but what should be done? Even though this is the same computer, with the same name, and same hardware, does it need to be added to the domain, again ?
yes it needs to be re added by a domian admin. you were taking the correct steps you just dont have permissions.
I understand this, but what should be done? Even though this is the same computer, with the same name, and same hardware, does it need to be added to the domain, again ?

yes, because the computers identifier changed when you reformatted / reinstalled.

All they have to do is supply the right credentials when it prompts for them.
Thank you

I am now back on the domain ... now to reinstall all the programs I use and get the rig back to the way I like it. :(
Ok I have another question.

Since the server account, for the old machine, was deleted. That means that the boss needs to set my privledges again, for the new account, correct? I can't even change the freakin system timer right now.

We had an argument, in which my position was to give me permissions on the server account, and he was telling me to log in as an administrator on the local machine(not on the network) and give the server account permissions. Now that just doesn't work ... right?
The 'servers' computer account shouldnt have anything to do with your permissions to install apps.

If your logging onto the machine with your domain account, and dont have permissions to install apps, then your domain account needs permissions added to it, or , your domain account needs to be added to the local administrators group on the PC.

All that can be done with group policies, or can be done manually...on every PC you need to...

2 choices :>
1 - give your domain account administrator priveledges on the local machine
2 - add your domain account to the local administrators group on the machine
I'll just jump in here with the obligatory security warning...

It's not a good idea to constantly run with an admin level account, nor is it a good idea to make your daily domain account a member of the local admins group. Use a local admin account to install software and don't give your daily-use domain account any more privlidges than necessary. (Even the most careful and knowledgable users should mitigate risk whenever possible.)

Blah blah... I know, preaching to the choir for some, annoying others, and hopefully not surprising many these days.