Problem with wireless

New Start

Feb 10, 2005
I am trying to connect an HP notebook with a G wireless card to a Linksys wireless B router.

It is connecting, but it is unable to renew it's address.

I tried ipconfig /release and /renew, but it's hanging for a couple minutes when renewing and coming up with an error. Even when I go to "Repair" under wireless connection it connects fine but it hangs on renewing address and never does it.

It's wierd because it's connected just fine, Excellent signal strength and all. I have the SSID broadcast disabled, I changed the SSID, I have WEP encryption going. Am I correct in assuming that since it's conecting, those things I just mentioned aren't the problem?

I have the router set to DHCP, everything works fine when I connect the laptop to the router with a Cat5E, but not when wireless.

Why is it connected but it can't renew it's IP?
enable SSID, disable WEP and try again. If it works fine, then you know that setup won't work for you.

If you REALLY want WEP then enable SSID.

I leave in a neighborhood surrounded by old people that fear technology. Simple WPA + shared key will keep the average joe from stealing my wifi.
If you look at the connection and your sending but not receiving then it is a WEP issue. Associating to the AP from the client doesn't mean you can pass data. You say connected till the cows come home. If WEP isn't working properly no packets will pass. Look at the suggestions above and follow through with them. Let us know if that helped then you can re-implement your security measures.