Problem with Winzip Windows 7 permissions


Limp Gawd
Mar 25, 2009
I have a problem with the current version of Winzip on Windows 7 64bit OS.. It seems to be a permissions issue but I am not sure and wanted to know if anyone else had this happen or any advice.

The problem is Winzip gives an error message that it can not open any of my zip files that are stored on my NAS. If I copy the files from my NAS to my main C drive and unzip the files there it works just fine. It only has a problem when trying to work with zip files stored on my NAS. My Winzip was set to run as admin and is installed on my C drive. Not sure why this is happening.
Open my computer, and right click the NAS drive->properties->security->advanced->owner->edit->choose your username and check replcae owner on subcontainers and objects->click OK. Close all the dialogs. right click the NAS drive->properties->security->Edit->add, and type your username, and click OK and close all dialogs.

See if that works.