Problem with the Samsung 226CW


Limp Gawd
Jun 15, 2006
I've read some bad reviews here on the 226CW. Before the bad reviews were out people were raving about the 226CW waiting for it's release to replace the gamble of the 226BW. I bought the 226CW as soon as it released. I've been using it a while, and I have to say I'm not pleased with it.

The colors are off, I've tried recalibrating it numerous times. But after a few hours it seems to go back to how it was. It has a green tint to it. Smilies on forums that are supposed to be yellow have a slight green tint to them, it's distracting and annoying. I paid good money for it a while ago, can't get my money back and can't really see the point in spending more money to replace it. Any ideas on what I can do to get it to look better?
From what I've read here and as many of the professional reviews noted the colors are uncorrectable on the CW version which is why I am avoiding all wide color gamut lcds for the time being. A suggestion to you which I am almost positive will work is to create an online repair request with Samsung stating the problem and that you want it replaced with the 226BW or whatever other 22 inch in the same price range they have available. Maybe they will even give you the 2253BW the newest one. Do not call Samsung then you will have to explain yourself to the customer service reps that will at all costs try to get you to keep it. If you make an online request it goes straight to the factory techs instead. Just make sure you say you do not want the same model back.
I just got this monitor and what an unpleasant surprise.
The colors look vibrant and all, but yellow is not yellow! its lime, that makes grass green look artificial somehow as well... Here's a screenshot of my extended desktop on 226cw and on laptop, plain yellow color. you can see the difference.
and the worst thing is that i ordered it from germany, being in Spain. Now its a hassle to return it, I will try to return it to Samsung and get something else.
I wonder if its just a defected one, or all are like these? Apparently after some researching online you can fix this...
there's a huge review online of 22' inches models and the reviewer talks about the same greenish problem...
and i thought i was not going to have any problem after reading about all this confusion with 226bw models... and 226cw - "all are OK Samsung's models"...

Man, I don't know what the deal is? I guess I got lucky mine seems fine. I got it when they first came out. I run mine thru a dvi/usb kvm ati dvi cards, gaming is x1950xt pciE the everthing else box is ati 9600agp so I can't use the calibration software. I don't do graphic's, I game, watch movies and websurf. Ya there's a little black light bled with movies but if your not anal and look for it, it works.