problem with swiftech 5.25 resevoir


Mar 31, 2001
I am talking about the one with 3 ports, anyways i am using all 3 ports and whenever the water temperature gets warm, my middle port gets a very mirco leak i think. Cause i look through my case window and see a little dropplet of water hanging off of the hex portion of the barb. So tried loosening it cause maybe it was too tight. Nope. Tried tightening, nope. So i glopped on pipe cement and it still does it.

Any ideas? i never had this problem before my swiftech resevoir, so i am at a loss for options. i even used teflon tape to ensure a very tight fit. and im using metal hose clamps.

are you using the two ports that are raised (a little higher than the third) as inputs and the one that is lower as the output? That is the way the resevoir was designed to be used, you might be having problems because you are using the wrong ports for input/output.
have you looked for hairline cracks in the res material?

it sounds like you've already covered most likely candidates thaough...................
well i havn't looked the whole thing over yet. but i will when i change out the pump this week. i will put some water in and then hook it up to my air compressor with a little pressure and see if i can hear a leak or something.
put some soapy water on the res before pressurizing it. it's usually easier to see bubbling than it is to hear air whistling out. it can also point out smaller leaks than you can typically hear.
Qveon said:
I am talking about the one with 3 ports, anyways i am using all 3 ports and whenever the water temperature gets warm, my middle port gets a very mirco leak i think. Cause i look through my case window and see a little dropplet of water hanging off of the hex portion of the barb. So tried loosening it cause maybe it was too tight. Nope. Tried tightening, nope. So i glopped on pipe cement and it still does it.

Any ideas? i never had this problem before my swiftech resevoir, so i am at a loss for options. i even used teflon tape to ensure a very tight fit. and im using metal hose clamps.


Hi Qveon,

My company, CoolingWorks, manufactures that reservoir. If the barbs were threaded too tight then that may cause a leak. I recommend you email Bill at Swiftech. If it is leaking on one of the preinstalled barbs then you should be able to RMA it.