Problem with newly created Norton Ghost image file corruption


Dec 4, 2005

I've been trying to create image files of several old hard drives onto a single large, new hard drive with Norton Ghost 10.0 using no compression. When I preview or restore the files in the Ghost image, I notice that many of them are corrupted and can not be opened, or can be opened but with data errors. However, when I open the same file in the original drive, the file is not corrupted and opens fine and shows no data errors. Anyone have any idea what's going on? I'm also open to suggestions as to better ways of backing up old hard drives.

Acronis True Image.

And why aren't you using compression? Not only does it decrease the amount of space required to store the image, but it can actually speed up the imaging process with regards to restoration dramatically if you use the "normal" or standard compression offered by the software.

The reason compression can typically speed up the process is on today's high powered number crunching CPU-based machines, it takes less time to read a highly compressed file and decompress it using CPU cycles than it does to read the full size file off the hard drive directly. You can take a 1MB compressed text file - that's 10MB in size decompressed - and read it into memory and decompress it 5x faster than reading the 10MB uncompressed version.

Doesn't seem like much but if you're restoring thousands upon thousands of such compressed files, each one being restored faster than it's uncompressed version, it adds up and you shave minute upon minute of time.

Try it sometime just as a test, you might be surprised at the speed gain and how much faster restoring one will be. Making the image is what requires the real horsepower since compression = higher CPU usage, but decompression is easy and happens almost in real-time nowadays.

Hope this helps... I'm sure djnes is around someplace and will hop on this if he can. He's been using Ghost for many a yaren... might be able to help you resolve your Ghost issues, actually.

But give True Image a shot. You might like it...