Problem with monitor

Jan 30, 2012
Not 100% sure if this is the correct thread but here goes. For some time now whenever I start up my computer I have had a problem with my monitor going out. I load into windows fine and everything boots up, then the screen will go blank. The power light is still on so I have to turn it off and then back on.I thought it was the graphics card, but I replaced my old one and still had the problem. I recently upgraded most of my computer and the problem still exists. The only things I have still are the power supply and the monitor. I have no problems with power to anything else in my computer and the power doesn't actually go out, I just lose picture. Eventually I will quit losing picture and everything will run fine. Today it is actually the worst it has been; I can't seem to get it to stop and every few seconds I lose picture. So I was just curios if anyone has any ideas on what the problem may be before I go buying a new monitor or psu or something.
Its def the monitor. Is there a spare around, or maybe a friends you could use for an hour or so since the issue pops up pretty early after start up? Just to give you peace of mind to see it's exactly that, and not the PSU.
Mine used to do that too and I eventually had to replace it. Definitely sounds like the same monitor problem I had.
I've seen that same problem on LCD monitors at work. Does it come back up if you unplug the power cord and then plug it back in? Definitely need to hook up an alternate monitor or TV to you PC and let it run for an hour or so and see if the problem goes away. My money says monitor is the problem.
Thanks for the responses, the monitor was my first guess and I guess it gives me an excuse to upgrade. I havent tried unplugging it and then back in yet. I use to be able to just start a game of some sort and it would seem to stop the problem. I'm going to try and get another monitor from someone and give that a shot, I do not have a spare around the house.