Problem with Logitech MX700 and how I fixed it.


Limp Gawd
Jan 28, 2003
Howdy All
As I said in the title I have the MX700 mouse. I have had it over a year now and everything has been fine.
Well about a month ago I was cleaning my desk and moving things around some. I left the base for the mouse where it always had been but moved some other things. Now About this same time I started having problems with my mouse and I never connected it with where the base was. It is only about say little over 2 feet from where the mouse always is.
The problem was some times not all the time mind you but just some times the mouse would not act right. The pointer would not move when I moved the mouse and then jump. I tried a few different things like down loading the updated drivers for it, Cleaning both mouse really well and base, Changed mouse pad, And messing with all the settings I could and all trying to figure out what was going on. Nothing seemed to help but to restart my computer that always seemed to do the trick.
So everything was going OK most times but maybe 1 time a day I would reboot when mouse started acting up. I was going to try to get some tech help soon as it was starting to bug me some but was in no big hurry.
So 3 days ago I again was cleaning my desk and moved the base to the right side of my monitor the same side of it as the mouse sits. I have not had a single problem from that time on. I did not even remember that it was not happening till a few min ago. So just to test it I moved it back to where it was and after a few min it done it again. Moved it back to right side and everything was fine again.
Now I know that it has a nice range and all. But I have my monitor on a stand and keep little things under it. What must have been happening is as time went by I added to many different things under it and ended up blocking the path. I sort of feel like a moron lol but figured someone out there might run into the same problem and not know what is going on. So I figured I would post this here just in case someone runs into it and just maybe they will remember that moron that posted about it before lol.

So remember if your using a wireless mouse and it starts acting up on you. Make sure you have a clear path from the mouse to the base or move the base closer to where your using it.
Chances are it will still work for you but it could like mine just act funny from time to time.