printer location and logicistics question...


Feb 12, 2005
atm i have 2 desks a room in my house. each desk has 2 comps at it, hooked up thru a KVM switch. My router + cable modem are located on a thrid wall of the room (each desk is located on its own wall, wall 1 and wall 2).

I was just wondering how i might configure things so that each comp can print off a printer and the printer is on the fourth wall?
Hook it up to the closest computer that's likely to be on all the time, and share it. Or is there a reason this won't work?
hmm...that'll work, but anyone know of an idea maybe involving bluetooth, cuz i really dont have desk room near either of the 2 comp stations :(
you can buy an hp printer with wireless networking built in for $100.. or you can spend nearly that much for a wireless printserver... or you can get a wired swtich or hub or router with a built in printserver...
hmm built in wireless networking sounds the best, tho i think somehwere along the line ill setup a printserver to learn more about em and how to do it, tks for the help
At first I just got a long usb cable to put my printer in a better remote spot in the room. Now I have an old computer thrown together running mp3 server for my tivo and print server for the whole house. I'd just throw together a comp from old parts that's quite and you can leave on all the time and make it a network server. I adminsiter mine with remote desktop so there's no need for a monitor.
scottatwittenberg said:
you can buy an hp printer with wireless networking built in for $100.. or you can spend nearly that much for a wireless printserver... or you can get a wired swtich or hub or router with a built in printserver...

HP has a few printers that are wireless networkable, The dj5850 and the dj6840. Both are pretty solid. My gf has the dj5850 and I can print to from my laptop, her pc, or her laptop with no issues. Both can be wired or wireless and are fantastic.

HP had a Bluetooth printer a few years ago, the dj 995c and 995ck. If you can find one of these they are awesome.
hmm, so plugging in a usb net connection in the usb port of a regular hp printer isn't gonna help me much :p

seems more educational to build a print serve so i think i may do that, and have the print server connected to my router/switch, wondering if this will work in that all comps on that switch will be able to connect to the server thru the switch (gateway)?

nother exactly do print servers and sharing printers thru windows differ?