PrimeGrid's Winter Solstice Challenge (8 of 8 in the 2017 Challenge Series)


[H]ard|DCer of the Year - 2014
Jan 29, 2006
December 18 - 21
The Final Challenge of the 2017 Challenge series is upon us. The Winter Solstice Challenge will be a 3 day (72 hour) celebration on account of the winter solstice. The challenge is being offered on PrimeGrid's most successful sieve, the Proth Prime Search (Sieve) application. Come join us and warm yourself by the Solstice fires!

The Winter Solstice...a predictable event in nature that has occurred for billions of years. A way point in the cyclic motion of the Universe. Many of the today's major winter festivals and celebrations can trace their origins back to this event...the longest night of the year (or the shortest day).

This application is a GPU capable application that runs quite well on nVidia GPU's. If you run it on CPU's, you should probably leave Hyper Threading turned on. Please test in advance.

To participate in the Challenge, please select only the PPS (Sieve) project in your PrimeGrid preferences section. The challenge will begin 18 December 2017 16:28 UTC and end 21 December 2017 16:28 UTC.
Is that Einstein@home marathon still going on? Have my fastest gpus on that right now. Slower gpus are already on PrimeGrid PPS.
The Einstein marathon is part of the year long Formula-BOINC. We are still chasing 1st place in that project for our league.
I could probably do some damage if I moved all my cores over (despite zero GPUs); but going to leave them on WCG. TBH PrimeGrid really doesn't appeal to me anymore... beyond badge whoring that is. ;) JMHO and to each their own. :)