prime95 lockups


Limp Gawd
Jan 11, 2005
awhile back i tried to overclock my pc:

AMD X2 4200+
2gb of generic ram (sadly)

and while running prime95, it seems fine but when i try and and open 2 copies and set the affinity for each running copy to cpu 0 and cpu 1 the computer just locks up. I couldnt tell u how long after because i never really watched it but it locks up maybe around test #5 or so, not totally sure. The computer is completely unresponsive, and i have to restart the machine. anyone have any suggestions?
cpu's most likely overheating and shutting down.

Run orthos and run the blend test (does a better job then prime) and run a temperature monitoring tool....not too familiar with amds so dont know what to recommend, but I guess the Asus PC Probe tool is good.
i hope not, im using a zalman 9500 and my processor stays around 30 degrees idle so i hope its not overheating. plus asus probe should sound an alarm. but ill try orthos, cuz ive heard alot of good things about it


im running orthos right now so im gonna see how it goes. im doing a blend test which i assume does cpu and ram. as far as cpu i see its doing both cores and the computer was actually responsive and i didnt see any dramatic slowness so ill see how it goes when i wake up tomorrow. Ive got asus probe recording temps and such so ill know if it does overheat
computer is at test 4 on both cores and is still around 42 degrees and completely responsive to whatever i tell it to do

ok, i just checked on it.. It got to test 3 on the 8k FFT test and frooze. At first all i could do was move the mouse but nothing would click or respond. Then the computer beeped once and the mouse locked up. it ran for about 30 minutes and was at 41 degrees according to asus probe when it locked up
no i did not, im gonna reboot the machine, run the test again and keep open another program that shows me voltages.

is there a range it should be within?...

if anyone is familiar with smart guardian, this is a screenshot of what i have when i turned the machine on:


sometimes the cpu voltage will drop down to 1.34 and turns red
well, i just watched orthos as it did a blend test again. it got passed the part where it froze last time which was the last test in the 8k testings so now its doing the 10k testing and hopefully it doesnt hang. all the voltages for the cpu and computer seem fine, i cant watch the memory because i dont have a program to monitor it but i dont see anything strange.

edit: had orthos running for 8 hours now and its perfectly fine which im glad it hasnt froze yet. She only has hit about 41 degrees this whole time