Prime95 and multiple windows logins


Limp Gawd
Jul 19, 2006
Hey Folks,

Just made a little observation over the course of my overclock testing. Like some, I have two windows profiles, an Administrative profile and a Limited profile. I use the Admin profile when installing apps, and the Limited profile in my every day browsing. I always use the Admin account to run Prime.

I ran my prime95 Small FFT test without an error for 19 hours, stayed on the Admin login. I then ran the Blend test from the Admin account, then switched over (while running Prime on the Admin login) to the Limited login for browsing the internet. I got a failure around the time when the Limited account was active.

To test this, I ran the Small FFT on the Admin account (which passed for 19 hours before), yet continued to use the Limited Account for browsing. I got an error at 23 minutes once I started actively using the Limited Account.

Now I am running Prime on the Admin account, and browsing the internet on the Admin account, and have gone 8 hours without a failure.

Anyone else have this kinda thing happen? Think it's a windows thing, and not a stability thing.