Price Gouging?

Say what you will, but that Vapor-X card was in stock a couple days ago. SOMEONE is paying those prices. Gotta love capitalism!
Say what you will, but that Vapor-X card was in stock a couple days ago. SOMEONE is paying those prices. Gotta love capitalism!

I am so glad I got mine at launch for $379. With TSMC's continuing problems who knows when we will see these cards in the kind of numbers needed to get us back at or below the launch MSRP.

At around $400 the 5870 is priced quite reasonably considering 295's still go for $500 or more, while only performing slightly better.
But at $570- $630 for a a single 5870, I would just buy a 295 or a pair of 275's and call it a day.

Oh, and there is no such thing as gouging when it comes to luxury items.
Seems like production is just at the right point to keep the money people happy with these.
Those prices are stupid. If it comes down to luxury considerations, I'd much rather spend that kind of cash on a weekend mini vacation with my gf at Alpine Valley
I wouldn't buy it from ZZF if it were $300. They suck so bad I will never buy anything from them again!
If people are stupid enough to buy it at such a price, why not let them?
If people are stupid enough to buy it at such a price, why not let them?

Maby not that stupid if they are smart enough to have the money to buy them. :D

At this point in time the name of the game seems to be money. If you want to play with the best hardware you have to have money.
All this is doing is making me wait for what nVidia does next unfortunately.
All this is doing is making me wait for what nVidia does next unfortunately.

Maybe it won't be that unfortunate after all. I would imagine that this part should be phenomenal considering that it will be so late compared to the 5000's.
Maby not that stupid if they are smart enough to have the money to buy them. :D

In America nowadays we don't let petty things like having enough money to buy something stop us from spending money.

Agreed on waiting for nvidia though...I do really want an ati card now, but by the time they get down to reasonable price levels compared to retail price we'll probably have an nvidia card to compare against. There's also not very much out there that I want to play that justifies the card right now anyway.
Capitalism baby. If the company pisses off the customer, the customers can refuse to do business there.

After hearing so many complaints about ZZF here on these forums, I never look there to shop for anything. I looked once, I saw some outrageous prices on some things and decided to rule them out as a place to check if I want to buy something.

When I shop for things, I always check newegg and amazon as I can usually expect competitive prices from them.
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I was one of the stupid ones when I overpaid and bought XFX 8800GT aroud xmas time few seasons ago. Not only there is high demend on HD5xxx cards, but Xmas is around the corner and most of online stores are taking advantage of us.....
Other than newegg, I bought few items from and I was happy from the service/delivery.... I live up north though :)
Maybe it won't be that unfortunate after all. I would imagine that this part should be phenomenal considering that it will be so late compared to the 5000's.

I remember the Ati devotees saying similar with the 2800 series. Nothing is for certain til we have the product in hand running benches.