Price drop for 5800 series?

ATI doesnt that a tight grasp of control over the prices due to the still persistent supply-issues. I foresee that NVidia will sell all their 480 GTX'es they can put out the next 4 months, but it wont make ATI even blink. Their counters seem to be OC'ed versions and added RAM.

Remember they still have 5970 at 699 MRASP. Only 99$ above the single GPU 480 GTX. It looks a huge defeat to competition.
I have money to buy new cards(ati).The point is that I shouldn't be taken advantaged of.
Nobody is taking advantage of you. They (the retailers, not ATI) are merely choosing to prioritize those people who are more desperate for 5xxx cards than you are (and therefore willing to pay more than you do for the cards).
yeah no price drops comming in the next few months, maybe get closer to original MSRP though :) Really got bang for buck with 5870 on launch, don't feel so bad for missing GTX 8800's now !

Just as a sidebar , the GTX480 and 470 might experience some price gouging !

NZ Reseller has the following pricing: (don't mind the normal gouging )

5970 - $870 USD
GTX480 - $800 USD
GTX470 - $565 USD
5870 - $470 USD
5850 - $350 USD

So no Nvidia on any sensible gamers mind, fanboys and e-peens only please !! These prices as just plain loco !!!!!
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Over the years I've used both brands flipping back and forth as better cards came out. I just picked up a 5970 this past week. I must say, this is a huge fail for Nvidia. 7 months late, $100 more in its respective class, the surround gaming requirements of 2 cards and direct line to my power company, Fact that Ati could roll out it's paper launch of it's next card now...oh wait! that would be gimmick infringement, the pansy paper launches belong to Nvidia.

The upside to this /failing from nvidia. They'll learn from it and the generation after this next smack down from ATI. They'll be king again... And i'll be upgrading back to Nvidia. We "the consumer" truely win every generation as long as your not a fanboy and willing to be the fastest, I hope nvidia does make it back on top'll prevent ati from getting lazy.
ATi have no reason to drop prices...hell they could even raise the price of the 5870 to 449 if they wanted to.

I don't see them jacking up prices because it would make their customers mad. Also the 5870 is sitting as the dominant card in the $400 category. 470 is too weak to challenge it and costs $349, while the 480 is barely faster and costs nearly $100 more.

In these economic times, the 5850 and 5870 sit in the sweet spot and dominate high end video card offerings.

What I COULD see however is ATI releasing 2GB versions that are clocked slightly faster and sell them for $50 more. A 5850 2GB and a 5870 2GB for $349 and $449 would be nice alternatives to Nvidia's offerings. And if their performance actually beat out nvidia's equivalent offerings, that would put the green team in a REAL BAD SPOT.
Or it would be even better if AMD increased production, which would reduce retailer mark up. AMD could increase their sales and market if they did this. 5970 is pretty hard to come by.
In response to the performance thing, here is how I see it:

480 is about the same prformance as a 295. It also costs the same as the 295 did at release, and uses about the same power.

5870 is about the same performance as the 4870x2. However, it released at an MSRP almost 200 dollars less than the 4870x2, and using 100W less power.
In response to the performance thing, here is how I see it:

480 is about the same prformance as a 295. It also costs the same as the 295 did at release, and uses about the same power.

5870 is about the same performance as the 4870x2. However, it released at an MSRP almost 200 dollars less than the 4870x2, and using 100W less power.

you have a lot of balls coming on here and being all logical and shit. just where the fuck do you think you are, college boy?
We won't see a price drop until AMD releases refreshes to make up for the 10% performance loss it has on the 480. From a value perspective AMD has no reason to drop prices. The 5870 is more than 10% cheaper than a GTX 480 and it is only 10% slower. It is still the best value and AMD will have no problem selling them at their current price point.

NVIDIA is in deep shit. The GTX 480 would have been an alright card if it came out when the 5870 did, but it's already a year behind. AMD will update their product line long before NVIDIA catches up.
just picked up ane xfx 5870 for 380 at frys. i couldnt wait and it was screaming at me.
Newegg has the 5850 for 280, prices might not be dropping like crazy but thats only a little above MSRP.
I hope the 5870's don't drop, I'm trying to sell mine .... ha ha ha
In response to the performance thing, here is how I see it:

480 is about the same prformance as a 295. It also costs the same as the 295 did at release, and uses about the same power.

5870 is about the same performance as the 4870x2. However, it released at an MSRP almost 200 dollars less than the 4870x2, and using 100W less power.

you have a lot of balls coming on here and being all logical and shit. just where the fuck do you think you are, college boy?

LoL best response in a long time.

I'm waiting for 2Gb 5850 Vapor-X