Preferred DVR/PVR software


Nov 30, 2006
With Windows 7 around the corner, I have been playing with Windows Media Center. I have been happy so far with it especially considering it is included in Windows 7. I have noticed a couple issues such as recording repeats even though I have the series set only to record new episodes and the show is flagged as a repeat. As a result I am looking to try a couple different options since I will be starting from scratch anyway once RTM hits.

I was curious what everyone else preferred these days.
media center - vista HP/ULT or win7

Sounds like your issue may be data feed problems. Thats not really something media center could fix. (and you might hit with other software if they use the same data provider).
media center - vista HP/ULT or win7

Sounds like your issue may be data feed problems. Thats not really something media center could fix. (and you might hit with other software if they use the same data provider).

Yeah I figured it was due to guide data. I have had Tivo for years so I am spoiled by their guide data. The weird thing is the episodes clearly show repeat so there must be something else 7MC is looking at whether it is new or a repeat.
I find VMC does a pretty good job of not recording repeats. When I have had problems with repeats, I make sure to set that it only record airings on a specific channel, at a certain time and "first run". It seems to work well for me.