Powercolor HD4870 1gb issues.


Jan 15, 2005
Hey guys, my powercolor HD4870 1gb card is acting up quite badly, idk why either.

it's usually when my game is loading a new level or map or whatever it'll crash the graphics driver.

this is on 8.11 and 8.12

though it seems to have only occured recently.

i had it clocked at 800mhz core and 1000mhz memory for the longest time, but i had to take mem down to 905mhz and its been stable so far.

any ideas why this could be happening?

temp is usually ~50-60c load.

also, im running the new windows 7 beta build 7000, but this issue happened in vista ultimate x64 on the 8.11 drivers.

any ideas?

thanks :)
Id think it was the overclocking. Could be the beta OS...

I oc'd my 4870x2 and had to drop it down because of artifacts and some crashing.
Im probably going to order a HD4870 1GB tomorrow. What are your opinions on the card?
Im probably going to order a HD4870 1GB tomorrow. What are your opinions on the card?

it's amazing at stock clocks, not sure if OCing the memory makes a difference, but i really like it.

i got the power color one cause of the non-reference cooler so it stays at ~44c idle, and around 55-60c full load. so it stays pretty cool, but ive got one of those huge rocketfish fulltower cases with a ton of extra cooling modded into it.
I got a Powercolor HD 4870 512MB reference card in September. I flashed the bios to 795/1100 the day after I got it. I haven't had one problem with it yet. No offense but there were rumors of bad PCB's used for the Powercolor HD 4870 1GB non-reference cards. There was also some talk of bugs in the bios. I don't know but I'd say the 512MB reference card is more overclockable than the 1GB non-reference cards. I recently got a HIS 1GB non-reference card with a factory overclock. I plan to keep it stock as it is perfect AS-IS.
I bought the Diamond 4870 with a i7 920 (no overclocking though) and it's been great. I know UT3 runs fast on all systems but with all the effects on full and with AA and AF cranked on a 24" LCD at 1920x1200 it's it is alot of fun.

Do you guys think that my system will run Fear 2 ok at say medium graphics?
ive got the powercolor 1gb with the non-reference cooler on it.

keeps it nice and cool :)

Hey, I looked up the rumors from August 2008 about bad PCB's and bios bugs and then I read the reviews on New Egg. Powercolor ran out of their reference PCB's and switched to another PCB for their 4870 PCS+ 1GB. If you got one of the early reference PCB's your card probably runs more stable than the later cards. I love my reference Powercolor 4870 512MB and it overclocks like a bat outta' hell. Powercolor is working with New Egg to rectify any problems people have with underperforming cards!
Hey, I looked up the rumors from August 2008 about bad PCB's and bios bugs and then I read the reviews on New Egg. Powercolor ran out of their reference PCB's and switched to another PCB for their 4870 PCS+ 1GB. If you got one of the early reference PCB's your card probably runs more stable than the later cards. I love my reference Powercolor 4870 512MB and it overclocks like a bat outta' hell. Powercolor is working with New Egg to rectify any problems people have with underperforming cards!

i dont think my card has the reference PCB.

my voltage regulators and the heatsink covering them is closer to being under the heatsink than it is in the picture on newegg.

but i ordered it in october, so i probably didnt get the early reference PCB
Hey, I didn't mean to rain on anyones Parade. This is my first Powercolor and I am happy with it. sparky1_2007 Powercolor probably scrapped those bad PCB's and got a better supply way back in September! I believe the problem may be trying to overclock the 1GB 4870's too far. It is the same with CPU's, Motherboards, and RAM. Good Luck and Happy Tweaking!:D
Hey, I didn't mean to rain on anyones Parade. This is my first Powercolor and I am happy with it. sparky1_2007 Powercolor probably scrapped those bad PCB's and got a better supply way back in September! I believe the problem may be trying to overclock the 1GB 4870's too far. It is the same with CPU's, Motherboards, and RAM. Good Luck and Happy Tweaking!:D

yea, thats what i figured, probably just a bad pick.

but yea, all well, it's probably cause its got twice as much memory to not want to OC as high as the 512mb ones.