Power Suppy Questions


Sep 14, 2001
Hi, i have a P4/P3 ATX 400w power suppy, suppling my P4 3.2 1MB 800hrz,my P4P800 SE mother board and my Radeon 9800 pro 128 megs, is this enough power to run all of this effeicentlly, if not does this lead to over heating of the CPU and MB?

therefore if it does and i should think about getting a better power supply would this be over kill or just right -----> 2 Fan Heavy Duty 450 P4

also should i think about getting case fans?

(Computer Temps - 61C CPU, 55C MB, ps. i dont like these temps even if there ok)

Thx for your time

What brand are we talking about on these supplies? What are the specs. "400w" doesn't say anything. Do the math to see how much power you need
lol i dont even know what to put for half of those :\
its a ATX power supply i dunno.....
thx anyway....
If you can't tell us the power supply brand you are beyond help..lol

Look at the side of the PSU and give us the specs. You have to do some work if you want answers.