Power Supply Horror stories...

L0s7 4 Lyf3

Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2004
Simple, you read the title... What horror stories have you had with power supplies?

Here's my only:
About a year and a half ago I bought a nice spiffy new case with a window and a 400 watt power supply INCLUDED ooo! at only $30!!! Even better... Being the n00b who didn't know jack about power supplies back then i just went 'oooo spiffy high wattage i won't need a better power supply for my system!'. Of course the power supply bundled with the case was a POWMAX, still i knew nothing about power supplies other than thinking "more watts = better, booyah!!'. So my Powmax kept chugging along fine and dandy excluding the many hiccups which I thought could be attributed to the Motherboard, having trouble setting my Barton 2500+ to the right speed and having it allow me to KEEP it there instead of 1100MHz, if not it would just shut down my comp on its own. Well I arrive at my local area LAN party for a good 24 hours of LANNIN' and whaddya know!? As soon as I power on PROBLEMS, more severe than ever... It would freeze loading windows, one time I got into the windows logon screen but with LOTS OF LAG, like playing UT2004 on a Voodoo 1, or S3 Virge And ARTIFACTS. Then at about 3 in the morning with people around me and all the people wondering what the hell the problem is thinking it's a motherboard problem as well... We power on the comp and *POP!!!!* You could hear it clearly over everything across the room... Woke some people up... Oddly we couldn't smell anything... But I ended up with a dead mobo which took more than two weeks to get replaced yet I still can't use my comp because I don't have a decent enough PSU laying around that even supplies enough power to keep it on for more than 30 seconds... :mad:

What's weird is that DEER I have laying around is the best damn power supply I've ever had. In fact it's better than the power supply that's powering this P4 system right now.
i tried to volt-mod an antec smartblue 350 using the sense line technique. i did everything but i wasnt sure which way to solder the wires to the pot. while i was doing this i decided to open up the PSU to clean out some dust. so i tried to start up teh PSU after i was done. all what it did was flash the LEDs and fans turn on then off, ad nauseum :confused:
Switched from a shitty 250W psu to a Antec 400W and after the install it set my vantec fancard on fire inside my comp. and it fried my soundcard all in the same shot. Pissed me the hell off....