Power Supply Explodes/Comp wont boot


Aug 26, 2004
First let me list the specs:

AMD 2800+
NF7-s ver. 2.0
OCZ PC-2700 512mb
120gig Maxtor

I haven't reformated in a couple of months so I go and reformat. The proccess goes smoothly except one time when I was booting it up after a restart it gave me an insane blue screen saying UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME. I unplugged my harddrive and replugged it and that fixed it. Then I shutdown my computer for the night and it wouldn't boot up. I had an extra mobo layng around so i put that in and it was able to boot up. So it trys to post to windows and it gives me another one of those crazy blue screens. This time it didn't say anythng about why t was there except for the stop message: 0x0000007b. When I try to boot from cd to reformat again it starts to load up all the windows stuff but right when I get to the screen where it asks to install or repair windows, it shuts down. So now I think the harddrive is messed up so I put in another harddrive. Same thing happens. I

Then I switch out the ram for another stick. When I turn the powersupply back on, BANG, spark, smoke. My powersupply exploded. I was pretty freaked out. ButI put in another powersupply and still the same thing happens.

I'm really confused at this point. So I switch out my 9800 pro with a 5700le and still the same thing happens

I would be forever in debt for some help with this.
i doubt it if it keeps smoking. no need to get into the bios of a non-working board.
No, my power supply stopped smoking. I changed that out for a new one. Everything boots up fine but I'm back to my original problem. I can get into bios, I still get that blue screen, I still cant reformat.