Power Settings via GPO

Power settings have been configurable for a long time with client side extensions.
Whoops. Forgot to mention I'm using Win Server 2003 R1, and all the workstations are Windows XP SP3. Big mistake on my part, I'm usually pretty good about that, but I was in a rush when I posted.

After doing some searching based on what you said, I might wind up using a login script to ensure they're set properly, ala http://support.microsoft.com/kb/915160 once I fully read over this and ensure it's best for what I'm doing.

Was just curious if anyone has attempted either of these, and how they've liked EZ GPO versus the login script listed above, or if they've had better experiences with other tactics.
Is there a specific reason why you can't go SP2 on the DC? Then it would work far more simply than the alternatives (provided you deploy the client side extensions, which is pretty easy with WSUS).

edit: you may not even need to do that. use the GPMC on a win7 machine or 2008 server and you should be able to configure a GPO with the settings. With client side extensions installed on your XP machines, everything should work even if your DC is at SP1 (although the policy won't apply to the DC).
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I concur with FoxFlame... i had to do that windows login script to help me as well as the GPO never actually worked.
There are two DC, both running Windows 2003. One is standard and one enterprise. They're both SP2, but R1. I wish I had R2, would make my FRS work better.

I'll have to look into using Win7 GPMC on XP. Not sure how that works.

This is all being done as I've noticed all my systems on the domain will turn off their monitors just fine as long as someone logs into them, and walks away. (They lock as well)

The problem arises if someone logs out, or never logs in. It just sits at "Press CTRL+ALT+DEL" and never blanks the screen. I don't want that burning into my monitors. I basically need a power management scheme at the Computer level, not the user level. We'll see. This must be done, so I'll update you on my results. If Adam has already done it one way, I'll probably implement the script first, test and deploy it. Then try other options inside a VM team. QD fix first, then...well, heh, you know how it goes. You always say you're going to go back and make things better, but when you're constantly under the gun, the whole place becomes bubble gum and duct tape!

*tosses it in his massive TODO list*

Thanks for the input, Sponge and Adam. If you've any further advice, I'd love to hear it.
I would highly suggest using group policy preferences that have been mentioned above. While not perfect it is a lot better than the default offerings given by group policy for XP. And it will solve your power settings only apply to the logged in user issue.
I would highly suggest using group policy preferences that have been mentioned above. While not perfect it is a lot better than the default offerings given by group policy for XP. And it will solve your power settings only apply to the logged in user issue.

Yup, I have this working fine (I used the EZ GPO before preferences and it was inconsistent, the prefs are solid). You definitely don't need R2 for this to work, SP2 is fine. It will work on XP and it will work at the computer level. Worst case you need a 2008 vm with the gpmc to create the policy, then don't need it afterward.
Using EZ GPO for a year now on a network of 250 computers and no problems so far.