Post your workstation 2008 !

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Yeah, it's an Epiphone Les Paul Custom body but all the hardware and electronics have been swapped out with genuine Gibson parts
Oh my friend is prob buying a real les paul. He just got a prs custom classic 24 and hes got a vox head and marshall head that were like 1400 each.

Glare much?

I guess you're talking about the home theater? Well, if that's the case, what you don't see in that picture is the blackout shades covering the bay windows, but even then I don't spend much time during the day sitting in front of the tv.
Lol, Im buying a 30in just for anime.

p.s. Who is it on that wallpaper, doesnt seem like Lucky Star.

30", nice :3

I don't know who it is, just looked like a nice vector at the time :D (only had it for a few days)

tbh, Lucky Star was very dissapointing, I just find Konata an awesome character... :p
Still rocking a CRT!!! my LL A05 is in mid-modding stage.. cutting fan holes in panels and a window.



Yeah, it's an Epiphone Les Paul Custom body but all the hardware and electronics have been swapped out with genuine Gibson parts

You mean you replaced the humbuckers and pots? What did you end up using? And what were originally in your model? Is yours made out of mahogany or alder?

My dad is rocking a Les Paul Supreme, but for some reason Gibson thought it was a good idea to chamber the damn thing! A 3 grand Les Paul that's chambered wtf. I been looking at getting a Les Paul just to get that fatter tone than my American Standard Stratocaster. But I can't afford 3 grand for a Les Paul Studio so I'm thinking of getting the Epiphone Slash Signature Les Paul, its pretty good, its made out of mahogany with a veneer maple top to keep costs down with a polyurethane coating. However it doesn't have the current 498 500Ts on it.

Just wondering what you used, let me know! :)
Here is my workstation guys....

2x30' DELL 3007WFP-HC

17' monitor looks really small standing next to these giants..:)[/IMG][/IMG]


Yahon, I've got a small question,

The front audio panel(Audigy) in 5.25" port, does it have a separate line for a headphone? if you connect a headphone to the front, will you lose sound in your speakers that you have connected in the rear?
Yahon, I've got a small question,

The front audio panel(Audigy) in 5.25" port, does it have a separate line for a headphone? if you connect a headphone to the front, will you lose sound in your speakers that you have connected in the rear?
ah double post! :(
Yahon, I've got a small question,

The front audio panel(Audigy) in 5.25" port, does it have a separate line for a headphone? if you connect a headphone to the front, will you lose sound in your speakers that you have connected in the rear?
mine both work :)
Yahon, I've got a small question,

The front audio panel(Audigy) in 5.25" port, does it have a separate line for a headphone? if you connect a headphone to the front, will you lose sound in your speakers that you have connected in the rear?

Yes. You have a connection for Headphone.:)

You can also program your X-Fi to lose sound in the speakers when the headphone is connected or not.:)

Very easy and simple..
^^^^sweet....where did you get the case. Is it wrapped or painted???
Well many moons ago I sold all the parts of my only watercooled system but I never got round to getting rid of the case. The case just sat there looking at me so I decided in a drunken moment of clarity to rebuild it!! I was lucky enough to find the water cooler parts on Hexus, its all based on the Sunbeam Transformer case, pretty good for watercooling actually.

I will be modding the side window as the patern is crap and the clear plastic window has faded and gone a bit milky.

I left my camera in work so I had to take these with my IPhone :( . I'l get some proper shots tomorrow :)



P4 2.8 @ 3.4,
1GB Corsair XMS DDR 2-2-2-5 (Best DDR1 ever!)
Watercooler (forget all the specs)
6800 Ultra
480W Tagan 2Force (in my server now)


Its not fully finished yet so I still have a few wires to hide, drives to add etc...


AMD64 3500+
2GB Corsair Value Select
Abit AV8
XSPC X20 Delta V2 CPU Block
XSPC X20 Compact 750 Pump
10/8mm Tubing / Barbs
R120 Radiator
FX5200 Cinema
300GB WD IDE HDD (not in picture)
500W Tagan TG500-BZ PipeRock Series PSU

Hey w1retap... nice setup man! That rig is looking killer and I love the desk.
I take it you like the Evo!? I just bought a 2008 Evo GSR... talk about overclocked! Damn thing got me a speeding ticket :rolleyes:
Hey w1retap... nice setup man! That rig is looking killer and I love the desk.
I take it you like the Evo!? I just bought a 2008 Evo GSR... talk about overclocked! Damn thing got me a speeding ticket :rolleyes:
Thanks. =) Yeah.. I like evo's; I used to have stg.1 RRM turbo'd lancer, but I sold it and now have a VW GTI mkv. Anyway, all the posters are coming off the walls soon and I'm re-painting. :p
That GTI is a nice set of wheels. Be sure to show us when you get that paint up.

Hey Ryle... where did you get that keyboard? I like it. Oh and, nice Hummer collection... I have a yellow H2 and a white H1 just like yours :)
Finally got a new desk and got everything set up the way I want it. Sorry about how crappy the pictures are, my camera sucks and I need to clean the dust something awful.





Well many things have changed since my last post, so I figured I would post some updated pics of the rig...................

I have added a Q9450 (obviously cant see that), changed out all fans (high CFM 72-94, low DB 17-19dba) fans, changed out CPU cooler for the ZEROTherm, added 2 - 1250Va Belkin UPS's, etc. I also changed out the 800Mhz OCZ Reaper RAM I had with OCZ SLI 1066Mhz RAM. The other thing I have done is added a WD Raptor 74GB to my other one, set up a RAID 0 for the OS's, set up a dual boot between Vista Ultimate 64 Bit and XP Pro, split the RAID 0 drives so I could load both OS's on it, then installed my other 2 - 300GB drives as data drives.




I am quite disappointed about the 3DMARK06 scores, I was for sure I was going to break the 20k barrier, but for some reason am not coming close. I understand it is because I am processor limited. From what I read, I won’t really see the full potential till I can break the 4Ghz barrier on the processor. All the 20k + results are 3.8Ghz or better, I cannot seem to do 3DMARK06 at 3.6Ghz, but I can do Vantage.

Vantage is actually made to handle multi-core processors and multi-GPU set ups, where 3DMARK06 isn’t really made for these kinds of systems, so I went with Vantage as my new benchmarking option. I seem to be getting decent scores there, but still CPU limited. I am considering taking the E7200 I am getting today and replacing the Q9450 I have with the E7200 and OC’ing the E7200 past 4Ghz to see if that will do the trick. I have read several places the E72000 will OC to 4Ghz solid on air, so this is something I am considering to see if it will make a difference with these GPU’s.

3DMARK06 - 17,831

Vanatage - 15,560
Well many things have changed since my last post, so I figured I would post some updated pics of the rig...................
Don't want to come off as rude, but this is the post your workstation thread. So hows about a photo of your desk/monitor(s) as well!
Not to be rude - lol, but this was an update, sorry for not including items that have not changed. I am happy to do so however at your request.

Monitors/KB/Desk have not changed since my last post, only the placement of the PC and especially the PC configuration. The PC is now placed to my left as opposed to the right in this pic so it is in open air and provides better access/cooling being almost directly in the center of the room. Plus I get to enjoy the teo 140mm blue top fans while I sit here.

Actually where you see that case on my right, well that case is there as well now. That is my Antec P180B I have my other system in. The pics above are for my Antec P190 case and my main gaming / working system which is now located to my left. You will also see a grate under the desk in some of the pics, that use dto hold my sub-woofer till I suspended it under the desk which you see part of in the latest pics.

The rest of the "office" can be seen in my original post here:

If you had asked me back in Jan, I would have given you a large list of how pissed I was at the Lachesis mouse, but now that they got the drivers/firmware working right - yes, I am a huge fan. I cant touch a mouse slower than 4000dpi now, it kills me they are so slow :p

I love my headphones, they flat rock in game, music, everything - awesome.

The keyboard - pain in the ass sometimes. It will double type random letters while I type, it is so sensitive, sometimes it will add a letter more than one, makes me really look over what I have typed and retype.

Otherwise - yeah I love Razer gear!
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