Post your Revolution game ideas


Jan 14, 2005
Hey, post some ideas for Revolution games.

"Rock Band" - multiplayer rock band, one person on drums (dual rev controllers), on person on guitar doing his best air guitarist routine.

"Horse Racing" - dual Rev controllers, one as a whip, one as the reigns. Funniness ensues when person looks like they're dry-humping lol.

"Air Hockey Table" - self explainatory

Post some you have ideas for.
This thing is going to frickin rock. Can't wait for the Revolution :cool:
-Motorcycle racing

-Virtual soccor knocker table (LOL)

-Flight game

-Just about all sports, precsion passing etc

-"smack ma bitch up" the game for all drunk cowboys, yeehaa, "shut yo mouth biatch" *SMACK
Hmm.. yeah that's interesting, I myself was thinking while playing around on Black and White 2 the other day that the controller for that revolution system would probably lend itself pretty well for this type/style of game. Where you are controlling a disembodied hand for game actions, and waving around the controller for your movements and such.
Two controller version of Punch Out (one for each hand) thats multiplayer/internet enabled :D
JustinSane said:
All I want is light saber duels. :D

OMG that would be so sweet. I really hope now, LucasArts makes a Jedi type game on the Revoultion!!!!!
The sucky thing about lightsaber duels....

Since the game doesn't read your physical position, it'd end up with you and a friend standing next to each other swinging, looking at two guys face to face on the screen. I dunno, but it just seems kind of odd to me to be seeing it one way and doing it the other. Also, for any halfway decent fighting, you'd have to be able to move around (at least forward and back). You certainly could use the controller to do this, but it seems like it'd be kinda lame while using it as a lightsaber too. I dunno, just my thoughts. Although the lightsaber duel honestly does sound fun :
RoffleCopter said:
Rave Rave Revolution

ROFLMAF QFT, 96'-01' era Beyach :D

I like the punch out idea someone posted earlier. Now imagine all the new battles with Gannondwarf in the new Zelda TP :eek:

Nintendogs revolution, ... SMACK YO BITCH UP! LOL

sorry, I had to.
I'm hoping for a good batch of First Person Shooters, clearly just by looking at the controller, the REV will pwn with FPS games.
Mick_18 said:
-"smack ma bitch up" the game for all drunk cowboys, yeehaa, "shut yo mouth biatch" *SMACK

Hmm. Last time I checked, "cowboys" didn't talk with "gansta" slang.

inotocracy said:
Two controller version of Punch Out (one for each hand) thats multiplayer/internet enabled :D

That would be pretty sweet although how would you move around(unless you had a 3rd controller in you pocket or something then that would be real fucking sweet.

tpizarro said:
Nextgen Duck Hunt for the win. :D

Only if you can shoot the dog. That damn dog pissed me off. Always mocking me........

Almost anything I can think of reminds me of something looking like they are beating off or something or looking crazy but hell it will prob be fun.

I think it would be pretty cool for flying and using it as a flight stick or sword fighting as someone elce said. I hope this turns out good as I am really looking forward to this for everything but mario party. I have a bad feeling that getting drunk and playing with this controller will end up bad(the best way to play mario party is drunk)
Mario Party drunk FTW! (can't wait to see how the Rev version will play... those controllers are apparently sturdy, btw)

Now I know a lot of us want traditionally PC-oriented titles (FPS, RTS), and both ARE currently in the works for the system. Peter from Lionhead is looking at the system very carefully for a Black and White title, actually. So is Will Wright from Maxis, and Sid Meier from Firaxis. Duck Hunt update (either the NES or a new one) is a given... and Nintendogs is already on the way.

But what I'd really like to see? The return of point-and-click adventure games. If I can't get too many of 'em on the PC, I want to see some on my huge TV on my console. I know Vivendi or LucasArts probably won't care to give us some of their fantastic characters, but someone has to step up with an adventure game on the Rev. Who's the developer that made Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney for the DS? lol

Mario Cooking, anyone? And yes, as strange as it sounds, some people over at that crazy house in Japan are thinking seriously about it :p
steviep said:
Mario Party drunk FTW! (can't wait to see how the Rev version will play... those controllers are apparently sturdy, btw)

Now I know a lot of us want traditionally PC-oriented titles (FPS, RTS), and both ARE currently in the works for the system. Peter from Lionhead is looking at the system very carefully for a Black and White title, actually. So is Will Wright from Maxis, and Sid Meier from Firaxis. Duck Hunt update (either the NES or a new one) is a given... and Nintendogs is already on the way.

But what I'd really like to see? The return of point-and-click adventure games. If I can't get too many of 'em on the PC, I want to see some on my huge TV on my console. I know Vivendi or LucasArts probably won't care to give us some of their fantastic characters, but someone has to step up with an adventure game on the Rev. Who's the developer that made Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney for the DS? lol

Mario Cooking, anyone? And yes, as strange as it sounds, some people over at that crazy house in Japan are thinking seriously about it :p

Yes! Very nice! Those three developers are my holy trinity right now when it comes to what I'm currently looking forward to as regards to next generation titles. Now, I know EA has Maxis and 2K has firaxis, so does molyneux's lionhead still forge on as with EA or? Hmm, very curious as to what extent they will be able to flex their creativity without some bean-counter/marketing suits at the top end getting in the way of what we gamers would love to see which is the different approaches that these developers have with their creations.
Flight stick idea sounds fun, but you still need rudders and a throttle at the very least. And that's for a simple plane.

EDIT: Oh and most planes these days don't have a stick like you're thinking... meh.
I just want to DL and play NES, SNES, and 64 games... and they need to come out with "old" controllers for them too.
JustinSane said:
All I want is light saber duels. :D

That's what I'm looking forward to...multiplayer lightsaber duels over the internet...fantastic.

Also, for the kids, how about a Harry Potter game where you have to wave the controller like a magic want to cast spells?
Chris_Morley said:
That's what I'm looking forward to...multiplayer lightsaber duels over the internet...fantastic.

Also, for the kids, how about a Harry Potter game where you have to wave the controller like a magic wand to cast spells?

LOL, yeah you know what, that would sell a ton of systems alone for nintendo given the Harry Potter craze which I understand is not abating anytime soon! And I'll bet you that nintendo has these ideas in mind for sure or at least has to be exploring the options, once they get the idea's and then get the licenses/deals in order it's only a matter of time before they get this on the market which is cool for the kids as well as the adults who want it.

All in all, some very cool/interesting ideas being brought up here in this thread.
Oh, I forgot to add.

I've been disappointed in Nintendo since the Pokemon era, and have pretty much adopted a "stay away, far, far, away" policy. However, if you can get old NES, SNES, and N64 games in a reasonable, cost effective manner, there's a good chance I'd buy a Revolution just for that (specifically, SNES).

Summary: If I don't have to buy a special add-on the use special cartridges and controllers for old games, I'd consider buying a Revolution.
How soon will I see a "Spank the Monkey" game for the Revolution? That'll be my "killer app!"

Anyhow, I have a theory about the Rev. It seems Nintendo wants us to buy it with another console, eh? Pricing the Rev at $100 is either genius marketing or financial suicide. Either way, I think the Rev *gasp* leeches processing power from whatever other console you have!

...I was just kidding, jeez.
DudeItsMe said:
Oh, I forgot to add.

I've been disappointed in Nintendo since the Pokemon era, and have pretty much adopted a "stay away, far, far, away" policy. However, if you can get old NES, SNES, and N64 games in a reasonable, cost effective manner, there's a good chance I'd buy a Revolution just for that (specifically, SNES).

Summary: If I don't have to buy a special add-on the use special cartridges and controllers for old games, I'd consider buying a Revolution.

:confused: You download all pre-Gamcube gamees via their online service... (the Rev has 4 gamecube controller ports and can read Gamecube discs).
i'd buy a Bass fishing game in a heart beat..

man i oved the Black bass and the Super black bass for the NES and SNES... good times.. good times..
USMC2Hard4U said:
I just want to DL and play NES, SNES, and 64 games... and they need to come out with "old" controllers for them too.

QFT. I'm wishing, hoping, praying that Square Enix will allow Nintendo to offer the old NES and SNES RPGs on the Revolution. I really, really hope that licensing issues don't hinder the abundance of BC titles for the Revolution.