Post your job description.

President & Founder (my own little dot com :D)
January 2004 - Present

Job description, as acting CEO, COO, CTO, CFO, etc.:

Sales (largest and most important part of my job)
Web development
Graphics (very little; i outsource it :))
Programming (PHP, ASP, SQL, etc.)
Finances (balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow)
Marketing director (advertising and the like)

Salary: anywhere from $1k/mo. to $6k/mo. w/ an average of about $2.5k/mo.

Owning a business and not having a boss: Priceless :D
WesM63 said:
It gets old after a while thou, begin he smart ass per se, i hate getting woken up during class by the teacher to approve/clearify something he/she has said.
Boy, do I know what you mean by that. :rolleyes:
I do SQL Server 'stuff'

I get paid well enough to afford child support.... :rolleyes:

Ripped from our office handbook:

Position Summary

Supervise and maintain all the computer, network, telephone, fax and email systems. Analyze, implement and maintain company wide data backup system. Implement and maintain network firewall and web controls. Provide additional programming and development support as needed and required.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

Any other tasks assigned by your Director from time to time.

Fill in for absent employees as necessary.

Maintain positive relationships with vendors and business partners.

Assure that all transactions are handled to the highest ethical and legal standards.

Assure that the products and services offered by <Company Name> are of the highest quality.

Aid in identifying, prioritizing and providing technical and application needs of all Company departments.

Aid in writing and maintaining the Company Technical Handbook, including a Technical Disaster Recovery Plan.

Assure Company data is backed up and secure from attack.

Monitor the usage of the company's Internet, both internal and external. Monitor who has access to our intranet from outside the office, and monitor how the internet is being used from within the office.

Participate in the development of new products and software improvements.

Assist with the development and providing of all technical and application training.

Maintain the Fax Broadcast website and to be available to handle any questions from clients as they arise.

Be on call at nights and weekends to maintain the smooth operation of the office as the Director of Technology deems necessary.

Analyze, recommend, implement and oversee all network technology including servers, workstations, shared peripherals and phone systems.

Assure that all Help Desk items are properly prioritized, assigned and completed with documentation for growing knowledgebase.

Maintain software database to assure compliance with licensing regulations.

Maintain database of computers and network equipment and network diagrams
Wes are you serious about $16k/year is as high as you can go?

Looks like you have great experience. I'm sure you could be making much more.

I'm at about $29k/year not including bonus which can be $200 - $400/month. And I'm not even IT yet in my company.
I am a Systems Engineer for a Fortune 1000 based Semi-conductor manufacturer.. I make 79,100.00/yr no bonus's. I am considered senior level being that I have 9 years of full time active experience. I am 25 years old. I currently possess a MCSE with Messaging and Citrix CCEA based certifications. I do everything, I operate within a team of 40 skilled engineers in 6 countries all to achieve one goal. 0 downtime in a 24x7 environment..
Scheizekopf said:
Wes are you serious about $16k/year is as high as you can go?

Looks like you have great experience. I'm sure you could be making much more.

I'm at about $29k/year not including bonus which can be $200 - $400/month. And I'm not even IT yet in my company.

Pay wise no, job level wise yes. I live in a smaller town with a population of 15K. Everyone that works at Data Eclipse Inc. is well under-paid, i think my boss/mentor makes the most they're and its only around 50K year.
Age: 27

Position: Chief Technology Officer
Degrees held: None
Certifications: CCNA, CCDA
Salary: Keeping quiet about that
Company size: 5 worldwide offices


What can I say? I am the decision maker around here for all thing IT or telecomm.
I plan out the upgrade paths, maintenance projects, provide all the end user services.
I manage a team of IT people, play the politics and public relations, schedule work and decide what to purchase, where it goes and when to get it.
Position: IT Consultant & Project Manager
I deal mostly with regional Banks, Insurance Companies, and Municipal Govts in PA & NJ
Sarbanes Oxley IT compliance and FDIC IT audit compliance among other stuff etc...

I also enjoy long walks on the beach and holding hands... :p
J said:
Senior Network Eng for a us Gov Deptartment.

I noticed you're from PA.... you work at letterkenny? or possibly in mechanicsburg? i forget the name of it... (is it navicps? or navsup?)

anywho... I am a systems engineer working for a company that does mostly gov't contracts. My contract is w/DISA, and as such, I am not going to tell you everything I do, but I will say that I work mostly with Cisco, Juniper, and Foundry devices, as well as a few workstations for ACS and DNS stuff.

I like it, and it pays fairly well for a 22 yr old fresh out of college (for software engineering :p). Hopefully I will be making in the 60 - 70 range in about 3-4 yrs.
Age: 26

Position: Webmaster II
Degrees held: None (AAS pending)
Certifications: CCNA, Voice pending
Salary: ~62k plus benefits
Company size: Very small office, 6 employees and some subcontracters, owner is completely incompetent and I'm tired of the Mickey Mouse bullshit that I deal with daily.


I work in porn. My official description is that of web designer, yet I have become the catch all of anything technology related. I spend my days touching up photos, updating code, creating asinine web pages for my technology backwards employer, and reading stuff on the net while looking for another job. Well, there's actually a lot more that I do, but I don't really feel like getting specific.

Regardless, I don't think that I'm being payed commensurate with my workload these days. We've had two people quit in the last 2 weeks and I've taken over their responsibilities (along with my already heavy load). Who knew I'd be doing video editing and accounting this week??

Bah, whatever, it may seem like I make a lot, but honestly, I am completely underappreciated and I don't really like where I'm at. But I did finally decided to go back to school and hopefully within the next few months I'll have beefed up my knowledge enough to move to a new job doing VoIP. I'm taking a class at my community college this semester on Cisco VoIP which should prepare me to pass the Operations Specialist cert.

I'll do whatever it takes to get out of this place, including taking a large pay cut. So long as I can pay my mortgage and eat, I really don't care how much I make anymore. Job satisfaction means a lot more.
Systems Engineer for a large Southern based bank. Application server tech basically. Manage about 400 servers within a group of 6 SE's. From physically working on the servers (breakage) to doing website builds with the developers, building and managing clusters. Just started using ESX Blade servers and using VM's on said servers. Fairly interesting stuff there. Eventually those 400 servers will be reduced to less than 100. Well, assuming the Blade Server/VMWare things works out. So far it has it's little kinks. Job description is really too broad to get deep into but in general terms I work on and maintain App servers.
Pay is upper mid forties, which for central AL isn't too bad.
Just imagining trying to manage that many servers and clients makes my head hurt, I don't think im born with the patience for high end Sys Admin duties.
age: 18

primary jobs: Student and Van driver for Boway Express inc.

being a computer science major is my primary job, but i have to make money to feed my technology craving somehow, so i got a job as a van driver. pretty much i drive all over the state of connecticut picking up and dropping off airplane parts from prat and whitney and howmet. i choose van driving over lets say working at a grocery store because of the pay. i bring home a check for about $700 a week which is really nice for a college student. the average day is usually from 9-6:30 or 7 depending on traffic and how many stops i have to do.
age: 22
title: Unix Admin
degree: None
certifications: None
company: One of the largest cable MSOs

duties: Mostly basic server monitoring/maintenance (restarting processes, cleaning disk space etc.. ). Adding DNS entries, and DHCP scopes when new IP blocks get assigned to a new location, or remove DNS/DHCP if the IP blocks are no longer in use in the area.. I also have to address customer reported problems that are server related with things like email, webmail, news, our http pages etc, and for one week out of the month I have to be on call 24/7. I have had this job now for a little over a month. So far its a pretty cool job, with a very laidback atmosphere.
i bring home a check for about $700 a week which is really nice for a college student.

So you make over 50K pre-tax dollars a year for delivering parts? Jesus, what do they pay skilled labor in Conn?

Son, 700/week after taxes is good for alot more people than college students. Cost of living in that area must be outrageous.
Nvm about the math....misread what ktwebb was saying.

That is damn good money. It's just a little less than what I make. You bastard. :)
yeah, it is really good, but its not the kind of job that is constant. it varies depending on a bunch of different factors, and i cant really say that i am bringing in 50k a year because i am not full time. i only work over my longer breaks, such as winter break (about 2-3 weeks that i can work) summer break and spring break.

truck driving is actually a very profitable career, some of the full time guys that work for the same company as me bring in well over a grand a week. Howerver connecticut does have some of the highest living costs in the US.
Associate Network Administrator

Degrees: none (still working on BS - CS)

One of two people who oversees an 80 person network.

Company hosts own web surveys. Responsible for about 20 servers, AD, Exchange, SQL, IIS, etc. Jack of all trades with anything tech related in the company. Responsible for backups, user support, firewall/security, network/hardware, SAN, small programming projects, etc. Limited purchasing power; about the only thing I don't have is control over the budget.

40K + <=15% bonus + 5-10% profit sharing/401K contribution
Unix System Admin / Programmer

- 24x7 Support for a medical charting program used by one of the top 10 hospitals in the US
- Solaris 2.6 on SparcStation5's up to E420's ( yeah yeah I know really old boxes )
- Shell scripting / C Programming / PERL / Whatever else they throw at me
- Updating application config files to do whatever the doctors/nurses what the program to do.
- SQL report writing
- Drink Diet Pepsi by the gallon

There are a lot of other things I do but I could go one for a while so I'm going to stop my self

Salary: Can't disclose but I do very well for a 23 year old
randyc said:
I'm undersatnding that as a poke at Outsourced Indian tech support?

If thats what you meant, im laughing like feraking crazy in real life

It was actually in reference to the GI Joe PSA's that were re-done.
6th one down on the left here: (quicktime :( )
"Stop all the downloading" :D

I'm actually a Network Administrator
IE: I tend to the routers, switches, servers and AD users/computers/GPO.
Holy shit, you guys are blowing me away, I wish I had gotten into the PC industry earlier so I could be ass knowlegable as you guys are at your age. Im freaking 24 and only nearing 2 years with my current technology business not even making $10 an hour in my small town. :(

Owell, maybe if I can hang in there, keep learning and applying i'll climb up the ranks. I could book press and paper cert all I want but I don't apply or do stuff I won't be any better then Joe Blow from HS
Role: IT Administrator, Sir Speedy Printing - Whittier, California
Age: 22
Pay: $41,000
Duties: Everything ;)
Certs: A+
Education: Some college, no degree
Experiance: Been using computers since a little kid on a C-64
Past jobs: Carwash employee (spent most of time in the sun polishing cars), Used Car dealer (mechanic /w some sales), Sutherland: HP Helpdesk (Level 1 support, then ASC support, then Corporate Complaints), EDS: Dell field deployment for NMCI (was a teamleader deploying computers on Navy and Marine Corp bases), freelance IT, now my current job.

Manage IT Department. My department does not have an official defined budget, but I act like it does. Anyhow, I plan out expenses for the year, create longterm IT strategy, manage projects, provide support on Windows, Mac OS, Sun Solaris, and Mandrake Linux. I plan, purchase and deploy new systems. I provide training to staff. I do network drops, router and switch configuration (we use Cisco and D-Link). I admin our web, e-mail, data and application servers. Provide software support on everything from Notepad to Quark. I write custom applications for Windows using Visual Studio .NET 2003. I handle website development, .ASP, Flash, HTML. I work with other departments and help them leverage our IT infastructure to help them become more profitable and efficient. Provide support and management of our Panasonic DBS phone system. Monitor and manage our automatic backup and disaster recovery. Create IT related policies and enforce them. Provide 1st level support for our printers and interface with Xerox (our business partner) when needed. Printers and Digital Presses: Xerox iGen3, Xerox CF1050, 2 Xerox DocuTech 6100's, 2 Xerox DocuTech 6180's, Xerox DocuColor 2045, Xerox DocuCenter 470, Xerox DocuColor 1632, HP 2500CP Large Format, 2 HP 2100TN's, and Heidelberg QMDI-46.
Our shop is is one of, if not the, top Sir Speedy franchises in the world.

2004 (my 1st year) management acknolwedge that through my efforts I have increased profitability by 20%. 2005 is going to a great year with a couple new server deployments, a full upgrade our current network, additional web services offered to our customers (online ordering, proofing, and status), and further system integration. The goal is to have every part of our shop in direct electronic communication with lots of automation. We have already begun placing the groundwork to automate some of our fullfillment. We also are analyzing the possibility of switching to VoIP. Very exciting time right now. I have been guarenteed a pay raise to $51,000 by mid-year if I can increase profitability another 7.5%

When I started at the end of 2003 this shop had no IT staff, all systems gave full admin rights with no passwords, just had to spend 25,000 grand to recoveer data off of failed disk array because no backups were taking place and the disk failure alarm was disabled and just one too many disks had failed. Almost every computer had a virus of some sort. I started off doing some free lance contract work then was hired full time.

In 2004 we have had less than 45 minutes of downtime due to virus or spyware. I educate the users and enforce policy strictly. Only virus so far in 2004 was due to a nightshift employee looking at porn.

I think I'm doing pretty well for myself thus far. Most of it happened after I left my parents house (I was 19) after they gave me an ultimatum to do everything the way they want or leave. Since then I have a good secure job, married, saved up some money and will be buying a house soon, and will soon also be doing some private investing. I will be returning to school next year to finish up CS degree.

I manage 33 workstations and 5 servers. (6 Macs, 6 Sun, 1 Linux, 25 Windows)
* applauds Sean*

Guess that gives me no good reason not to get my ass in gear.

I'll post what I do though its sad in comparison to what you guys do, but at least its a start in the field.

Title:Computer Support Specialist for Local IT Consulting firm
Salary: Still with folks, nuff said.
Certs: A+, N+, IT Managment Degree, Toshiba and HP certs up the ying yang
Time: Nearing 2 years


1. Maintaining internal PC workstations and servers
2. Warranty repair and maintence on IBM, HP, Toshiba laptops and deskstop system
3. Implemenation of new networks, printers, workstations and servers
4. Head of new Shuttle XPC reseller department. Build custom made Shuttles for clients
5. Client network troubleshooting and onsite repair
6. Contracted support for larger clients
7. Printer repair and maintence of basically any kind
8. Point of Sale systems support
9. Soon doing IP Based security camera installations and support
10. Spyware and virus removal *getting really old*
11. Consultation on new hardware and software of almost anything *funner part of the job*
12. Data recovery and backup