Post your glQuake timedemo demo2 results!!!


Oct 6, 2005
Found my long lost Quake cd today. Just for the hell of it (and with a devilish grin on my face) I went ahead and installed it on my new rig. Downloaded and installed glQuake from the idsoftware ftp server and took it all out for a spin.
Ahh... the memories...

timedemo demo2 results @ 640x480: 1391fps. LoL :D

I remember when 30fps was reason enough to get wood!!

It's amazing how far we've come.

P.S. Anyone know where I can get the BigAss demo? I searched but all I can find are refrences to it, no place to download.

ha ha, your X2 and GTX isn't much faster than my system. ;)

D3v01D said:
Found my long lost Quake cd today. Just for the hell of it (and with a devilish grin on my face) I went ahead and installed it on my new rig. Downloaded and installed glQuake from the idsoftware ftp server and took it all out for a spin.
Ahh... the memories...

timedemo demo2 results @ 640x480: 1391fps. LoL :D

I remember when 30fps was reason enough to get wood!!

It's amazing how far we've come.

P.S. Anyone know where I can get the BigAss demo? I searched but all I can find are refrences to it, no place to download.

I could hit 100fps with my overclocked celly and and a voodoo 3000.....

at 1024 :D
blackadde said:
Play the Quake2 Crusher demo and get back to us. :D

Quake 2 crusher demo at 1024x768 = 335.3 fps.

That doesn't seem right, should be higher I think...
