Post your Dell 2405FPW Review here!

tonywalk said:
Hi MicroUK,

I'm running my 2405 with a pair of 1800FP's (all through DVI off Nvidia cards) and find the colour just fine.

I played arround with the settings found on the forum and it looks *much* better now!! amazing difference... i havn't actually loaded profile yet but will dig out the cd that probably got lost in the excitment :)
Has anyone here tried their 2405 with an HDCP content protected source (i.e. set top box, etc)?

It 'should not' display but ya never know.... thanks... :confused:
I am using my 2405 as a tv right now and as a monitor when i go to lans havent had a chance to hook it up through dvi yet but im waiting too my cox hd cable box doesnt support dvi out yet so i am using component out till the dvi gets activated. Im not complaining about the monitor at all its beautiful, i thought my 20" dell widescreen was nice till i brought this bad boy home now the 20" looks small. But as a tv on regular channels it looks hazy but when i put it on a hd channel its perfect. i have no complaint about the monitor at all my 3rd lcd and they keep on getting better if you can swing the price i would say go for it when i get home im going to try some of these tweaks on both my monitors and see what turns out.
sorry, but the monitor will not display HDCP material. It does for a few seconds before going blank.
joeview said:
Why don't they have HDCP built into the 2405 already?

I'd guess two key reasons

1- they don't want to compete with their own LCD TV range
2- keeps cost down
Dark Helmet said:
this looks like it will take care of HDCP inputs... and also allow additional input flexibility...

The description says HDCP pass-through. IMO, that means that it will pass the copy protection through the switching unit to the display. So still no dice. I, however, could be completely wrong. Can anyone with more knowledge chime in here?
Is anybody running theirs with an xbox or ps2?

i'm curious to know how this thing handles 480p amd 72p through the component inputs.


magisimo said:
The description says HDCP pass-through. IMO, that means that it will pass the copy protection through the switching unit to the display. So still no dice. I, however, could be completely wrong. Can anyone with more knowledge chime in here?

I should have done my homework...

nevertheless I am still looking as I would 'like' to be able to view HDCP content on a 2405 if I even get one. The alternative is the recent Viewsonic vp231wb but I need to answer for myself which use is more important - home office stuff or 'some' HiDef TV...
ok this is more a micro review then a full review. just thought I'd add my 2c having had a 2405 for about a week now.
I'm a game developer rather than an avid gamer, so my perspective is lots of use of code editors, photoshop, max/maya/etc, and then actual playing :)

basically, I have become a ranting, raving dribbling fool who just walks around with glazed eyes preaching to all comers that they REALLY MUST COME SEE MY GREAT MONITOR. it's actually quite tragic. I can't remember the last time I had such happiness from a product. I need therapy. this monitor is the shiznits.

I'm driving it thru dvi from a radeon x850 (engineering sample ati own brand thingamy) and the image is crystal clear; not at all washed out; no streaking; silky smooth in 60hz action games, no artefacts at all. pure awesomeness all the way. not sure what the other issues people have been having, but no complaints so far with this setup.

the colours are even across the whole (gigantic) surface. the brightness is almost too much as others have said on this forum (I leave it on 0 brightness...) which can only bode well for the future.

in use, its a kind of religious experience. I've changed the way I work in windows, just leaving way more windows open and large, also my devstudio layout has changed completely (rare!) and suddenly I dont worry about having gigantic side panels lurking around. in photoshop I can clutter the left and right with the little panels etc and still see a full 4:3 image in the center. I know this is obvious stuff but when you actually start working on it, without compromising your viewable image area, it just hits home so strongly.

I can see acres of code, and in portrait mode its actually a little frightening how many lines are visible at once. using afterfx and other timeline editors is made so much more of a dream by the widescreen, having that extra few inches of timeline visible really is nice and means you can work more zoomed in. (4:3 just doesn't work for such things). I'm not currently developing console stuff, but I can see the PIP would be very useful when I get back to that stuff, being able to leave my xbox/ps/whatever devkit lurking in the top corner is lovely when desk space or tvs is at a premium.

I came across this monitor after lusting after the apple cinema displays. after comparing them with the 2405, I have to say, there's no comparison. the 2405 beats them across the board. colours, brightness, contrast. from the front, the dell design is actually quite pleasent, I dont spend any time looking at its back or sides so it doesn't bother me that it's not quite as lush as the apple version in that department. I just wish there was a 3005 and a graphics card to drive it :)

truly, this appears to be 'dells finest hour' as the ebay seller I bought mine off, called it.

my only regret is that I didn't buy two. 11/10. (it would have got 12/10 but the buttons on the front for the OSD are a bit c**p)