--Post Your CS:Source Stress Test Score!!!--

adamadekat said:
Hmmm, sorry dude, I have no idea. Are your drivers updated? If they are and you can play
Source ok, then don't worry about it.

LOL, he fell for it! (read the post above this one) Classic!

101998 said:
I ran it on my x800 and it just gave me this sideways figure 8. What does that mean?

lol, that means infinity in math terms...:p

Is the X800 that good? :D
I got an AMD 64 3000+ s754, 512 Generic ddr ram, TI 4400 with 2xaa and 2xaf @ 1024 x 768 and got.....

38 fps....

oh, and JEEVES/Whohasmyname?, go back to the case modding forum where you can go and work on your "blue lightning" case... ;) :cool:
All settings high 1024x768 no aa or af.. system specs below... 82.2 fps average

Linuxtim said:
I got an AMD 64 3000+ s754, 512 Generic ddr ram, TI 4400 with 2xaa and 2xaf @ 1024 x 768 and got.....

38 fps....


its the graphics card and ram taht are really killin ya there... lol

WickedAngel said:
Touch your toes and try to fart...you might dislodge your head from your ass

This is probably TOP 10 material in terms of [H]ardforum responses, lol.
I'm getting 35 frames at 1600X1200 everything set to high.

Dealing with the thread crappers: I do believe that the reason the engine runs so well on what are deemed "pos" machines is due to the talent and skill of Valve, these guys have done an excellent job putting together an engine that takes advantage of the new features beautifully yet scales far better than any other engine around. Friggin KUDOS to valve.

I think I can keep my "pos" 9700pro around for a while
1280*1024, everything maxed out in game and drivers. 4AA 16AF. 110.83 fps

when i had my system oced to a unstable speed the results varied. i was gettin 70, 97 and 108. it could have been cus the system was unstable( test ran fine tho) or maybe the test is crap.

anyway, now its stable at 110. doesnt vary now.
You should probably run the tests right after boot...maybe you have stuff running in the background?

I haven't bought this game though, so i can't test =D
JEEVES/whohasmyname? said:
ps, do I need to list all the games that I play again for your dumb ass, and yes CS'S is one of them. But I also come to grasp reality and understand that CS is not the best looking game out there. Grow up and stop acting like a fucking chearleader for valve.

Best part of this comment is, I dont think any 1's argue'n that its the best looking game...

You my friend are the minority (moron) when it comes to gamers...

Always remember GAMEPLAY > GFX -- I play ALL games...and guess what !! The two BEST looking games out there (D3 and FarCry) dont got SH*T on CS:S. They're horrible online.

Im an old school CS player, and Im pissed that they release a so called "full version" and what we get is crap, filled with bugs....but the one damn reason why there this game is still #1 is because of GAMEPLAY.
Mav451 said:
You should probably run the tests right after boot...maybe you have stuff running in the background?

I haven't bought this game though, so i can't test =D
My computer has caught a bad case of stupidity. That's all. ;)
update update!!!!! 6800ultra forceware 66.72, 1600x1200 max aa and af 86.52 fps! damn if only i can get that darn athlon 64 to overclock higher... wait until i get my DFI!! o yeah and the ultra is a stock...until i get my new power supply offcourse ;)
I fixed my problem. I had it in "Windows 98/ME" compatibility mode... I was fooling around with the settings one night and must've forgot to uncheck the box.

1024x768 - High - Water: Reflect World - No AA/AF - DX 9.0 path
91.24 FPS

I know it's not anything for you guys with the 6800 series to get worried about, but it's fine by me. ;)
fat_al said:
I fixed my problem. I had it in "Windows 98/ME" compatibility mode... I was fooling around with the settings one night and must've forgot to uncheck the box.

1024x768 - High - Water: Reflect World - No AA/AF - DX 9.0 path
91.24 FPS

I know it's not anything for you guys with the 6800 series to get worried about, but it's fine by me. ;)

Its not like you can see any diff past 60fps :D
>>Originally Posted by Linuxtim
>>I got an AMD 64 3000+ s754, 512 Generic ddr ram, TI 4400 with 2xaa and 2xaf @ 1024 x >>768 and got.....

>>38 fps....


>its the graphics card and ram taht are really killin ya there... lol


Galaxy 6800 GT on route. I need to see HL2 in all it's glory....
1600x1200 6xAA 8xAF 56.2 FPS

AMD Athlon64 3000+ (2.2 GHz)
1024 MB PC3500 RAM
Visiontek Radeon X800 Pro
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Its not like you can see any diff past 60fps :D

Actually, I can. You can say BS or whatever but after playing for 3 years of Counter-Strike, I can definitely tell the difference between 60 fps and 100 fps.
adamadekat said:
Actually, I can. You can say BS or whatever but after playing for 3 years of Counter-Strike, I can definitely tell the difference between 60 fps and 100 fps.

No you can tell when that average 60 fps drops to 40 fps ... the avg 100 fps dropping to 80 isnt noticable.
Joose said:
No you can tell when that average 60 fps drops to 40 fps ... the avg 100 fps dropping to 80 isnt noticable.

Yeah...but 100 fps compared to 60 fps is a great difference. :rolleyes:
Guys the FPS issue has been hacked at over and over and over.

Does it really matter if person A thinks he can tell and person B thinks he can't? No.

Just be happy and enjoy your scores.

On Topic: I got 52.3 FPS for some reason. Seems low to me. Oh well. I'll probably do a clean install of windows before I get ready to play this game.
I have a [email protected], 1gb pc3200 ram, radeon 9600se, xp pro sp2

1024x768 res

low/low/simple relections/low/none/bilinear/low/disabled

Getting a score of 22.6. In games I'm anywhere from 30 to 10 FPS.

I have all the latest drivers, nothing running in background except anti-virus (pcillin). My friend has the same computer as me all the same hardware, and he gets about 80FPS and has never gone below 60FPS. Any ideas whats up with my computer?
@ 1024x768, all details on high, 6x AA 16x AF I get 128FPS
@ 1024x768, everything on low, no AA, no AF I get 137FPS
@ 1600x1200, everything on high, AA 6x, AF 16x I get 100.63FPS