Post your BF2 FPS and [H]ardware!

Rich Tate

Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 9, 2005
Thought since alot of people are havin issues, maybe it would be a good idea to start a thread where people can post their rigs and fps, so we have a database of info for comparison. If your ocin your stuff list it too!
17fps to 24fps with everything on LOW on:
AthlonXP 3200+
1024 Pc2700 RAM
Nvidia Fx5500 Non OC Model

The highest it goes is 45fps, and thats when I look up to the sky :mad: .
RIg in my sig. Everything high accept Textures, lighting, and shadows. Running at 1280 by 960 getting about 50 fps average. High at around 80 fps lows in the 40's. I would turn everything up but it uses to much RAM. Another gig will help that out. :D

The thing that helped me the most was the Xtreme G 77.60 drivers from guru 3d. Gave me about a 10 fps boost.
Celeron D 2.4
512MB PC3200
Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB

Like, 30-50FPS@1024x768@medium-low settings with 2xAA.
Everything high except lighting, shadows, and dynamic lighting. 6xAA.

1 gig ram

Medium settings 1280x960 only getting about 30fps. Think something is wrong :(
pillbub said:
1 gig ram

Medium settings 1280x960 only getting about 30fps. Think something is wrong :(
follow this guide:

with my rig, i get between 50-90 (50 is during a battle, 90 is when im by myself)
1280 x 1024
everything at high except shadows and light which are in medium
AA 4x
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 3.0 GHZ CPU
120 GB HDD
eVGA 6800gt 256mb
Can someone explain temporal AA to me? I could never get it down. When you want temporal AA, do you turn in-game AA off or keep it on?
With rig in sig I get 45-75 fps at 1280X1024. Everything maxed ,4XAA. You need to have over a gig of ram to run this game on high settings.
Hardware: P4 2.4C @ 3.0, 6600GT, 1gb DDR3200, Audigy 1

Settings: 1600x1200, Effects/Terrain High, Everything else Med, no AA

25-45 FPS, but it runs smoothly with no dips so no complaints. There is so mcuh going on around me that I barely notice any slowdown. I LOVE THIS GAME!!! :D
with the rig in the sig I get between 40-60fps(15-20ish in explosions, but I'm usually already dead so it doesn't affect gameplay) at 1024x768, effects med, geometry med, textures high, shadows off, everything else low(no aa of course).
A64 3200+ (250x8)
1GB PC3200 Corsair
77.50 Drivers

Everything high except textures (Medium), 1600x1200 4xAA/8xAF. Minimum FPS ~25 during artillery strikes, >60 everywhere else.
1600x1200 4xAA 16xAF everything maxed except texture to medium ( ram issues with 1gig )

30-80 most the time.... 50ish average drops to 30ish in fights and bombings :)

athlon 64 clawhammer @ 2.22ghz
1024mb pc3200 @ 444mhz
6800ultra stock 425/1.1
forceware 77.62 XG's
Low: 17
HIghest: 61
Usually around 35-40.

Terrain - High
Effects - High
Geometry - Medium
Texture - High
Lighting - Medium
Dynamic Shadows - Low
Dynamic Lighting - Medium
AA - Off
Texture Filtering - HIgh
View Distance - 95%
Resolution - 1024x768

2x Opteron 242 1600 MHz
1GB PC3200 Reg ECC (soon to be 2GB)
Iwill DK8X
9800 Pro
Catalyst 5.6
Well since I am waiting on processors for the machine in my sig, I have no idea what I get in BF2. However it does play smoothly on my girlfriends PC. Which is:

P4 [email protected]/1066MHz FSB (dropped due to high heat at 3.9GHz)
Abit AA8XE PCI-Express (i925XE chipset)
1GB Corsair XMS 2 Pro C4 DDR675
1 WD 7200RPM PATA HDD (8MB Cache)
Antec Smartpower 350Watt PSU

I don't know what the actual FPS is, but its rather smooth. I am running at 1280x1024 no AA or AF.
NumbLock said:
Are you guys using Fraps or is there a console command for showfps
renderer.drawfps 1

You can type it into a .con file and make it read only to make it show fps every time you play.
Using Fraps ...

Every single option on HIGH (Including Lighting), except Textures is set to Medium
4x AA

Average FPS during Lonewolfing, firefights, flight and battles is about 35 FPS.

It's not too bad with my old 9700 Pro barely keeping up, but.. I'll be getting the R520 as soon as its released. :)
3.0GHZ P4 HT
1024MB RAM
Mobility 128mb ATI 9600

1024x768 at MEDIUM Settings = 50+ FPS
For the most part my FPS is stuck at 100 fps thats max for me verticalsync is on though in my display options. I have seen it drop to 56 fps when I blast down the road in front on the tower crain in a jet with full afterburner WooHoo . ohya I play 1600X1200 maxed everything, no AA/AF. My connection is 5 Mbps down / 1Mbps upload.
I run P4C800-E, [email protected] ,OCZ 520W PowerStream, 2G(4X512) corsair XL@2,3,3,6 @250 1:1, Promise RAID SX4 256mg with 4X36G Raptors RAID0, XFX 6800GT 400/1200, Swiftech Waterblocks CPU(max25C)/NB/GPU(max43C), GPU block is mounted on what was a NV5 (makes awsome coldplate for 6800's).
PS: the adding of the second Gig of RAM made huge difference in how the game loads and in the main menu area it doesnt lag at all.
Oh, I've noticed quite a bit of people leaves their settings on High but the lighting on Medium -- does it make quite a bit of difference?
Alot of people turn lighting low but it makes a big difference in graphics quality.

Buggy looks awesome when your flying down the road with sunlight bouncing off the frame.
Lighting on low looks horrible, the construction site is a completely tan color, quite disgusting.
1600x1200 all high except shadows to medium. No AA or Ansio. Runs smooth all the time.

Sound to low or medium.
Medium, Dynamic Shadows and lighing, High everythign eles, 1600x1200@85Hz forced, 8xAA forced.

>50, avrage of like 60ish

CPU: This is with my 3800+ stock of 2.4Ghz, I lowered it to stock because the fan is too loud at my house, at stock I can run cool and Quite.
Video: 6800GT @ 400+/1200, I cant remember, its in my sig..
Ram: 1 gig dual channel, stock 2-2-2-5-1t

I'm the Dude said:
Runs smooth all the time.
Thats all that matters...
XP 3000+ Barton (Running at 2200+ b/c of mobo limitations)
1GB PC3200 DDR
ATI 9800

Around 30FPS on average. All settings on high except textures.

What is the NVidia equivelant of the 9800 Pro?
lt.murda said:
I was thinkin the geforce fx5900xt.

The 5900 series was the direct competition for the 9800 series, there of the same gen. cards. But the 9800pro was winning that battle nearly 90% of the time. The 5900XT was made well after the 5900s started dieing off; the 5900ultra fares very well against the 9800pro, but the 5900XTs are very very weak, and crippled.

Wile the 6600GT is a new Gen card (about to become old gen already) it pulls right ahead of the old gen 9800pro barley in most cases…
fubak said:
XP 3000+ Barton (Running at 2200+ b/c of mobo limitations)

that sucks ass! What mobo limitations? Is this anythign we can help you with? I have a few older Nforce2 mobos around I can probley workout a deal with you on one if you need a good mobo to get that 3000+ running full speed...
Rig below. Although it pulls 30-60 depending on the situation, it's constantly stuttering/freezing, so it feels like 5-10.
ATW said:
Rig below. Although it pulls 30-60 depending on the situation, it's constantly stuttering/freezing, so it feels like 5-10.

most of us have solved the shuttering by setting dynamic lighting an dynamic shadows to med
30-60 (100 if going up the ladder on the Hotel)
With Everything on high, AA x6, I have no choice of AF.

40-65 with high everything but shader (med) AA x4. I have no choice of AF.

I am going to mess with the settings tonight, will post back when I have the best for my system. Also it only drops to @30 when in a big fire fight, but will stutter if artillery is dropped in front of me, but I am usually dead then.

A64 3700+
MSI K8N Neo Platinum
Crucial Ballistix 3200 (2x512) 2-2-2-5
Sapphire X850XTPE
Seagate Barracuda 160GB SATA
Dell 2005fpw (1680x1050)
XP Pro 64

No OC, I reset the OC to test some things out but will be putting it back up to 2.6GHZ and 230mhz, 2.5,2,2,10
3.2 @ 3.6
1 GB RAM @ 225mhz 3-3-3-6
BFG 6800 GT OC

Everything on High except shadows (medium)
55 FPS average, highest 90, lowest 40