Post Your 8800 Series Card Here!!!

the gamer

Mar 14, 2005
Has the title says please post your Geforce 8800 Series Card setup pics here please!


Cable management went out of the window when I had to change everything around in the case.
my sister took my camera for a trip - wish I could post some shots - SORRY- but let me tell you it put a twinkle in my eye
Why do people have these killer rigs and their cabling is a total disaster? :D Nice card btw!
sam0t said:
Why do people have these killer rigs and their cabling is a total disaster? :D Nice card btw!

...because you see the results on the screen, not looking inside a box. LOL. I will never get the obsession with cabling, etc. (like windows on the side of a case also). You can't use the car comparison either. Just different strokes for different folks I suppose. :D
xelpmoc said:
8800 GTX, complete with now-homeless hard drive:


Wow Dude!!! you have a jungle of wires inside that case,cable tie wraps anyone!!!!

do you have the lower HDD cage still or do you have 6 HDDs? I can tell it is a P180 and wiring it it is hard anyway
Six hard drives: 74 gig Raptor, two Seagate 160s for miscellaneous crap, and three Seagate 250s in a RAID 5 array for important stuff.

Eventually I'll be moving the array to a dedicated fileserver machine, I just need to get around to actually buying the parts for that.

But yeah, wiring is annoying in this case, especially with a 10+ inch video card blocking everything.
TheGoat Eater said:
do you have the lower HDD cage still or do you have 6 HDDs? I can tell it is a P180 and wiring it it is hard anyway

I have the P180 case as well and I took the time to tidy up the cables, I did remove the upper HD cage and put in an extra vantec tornado 92mm fan to keep my Quad SLI cards cool and I am only using the lower cage for my 2 hard drives.

Here are some picks of my Quad SLI and the Evga mobo, I am not ready for the 8800GTX yet.

SoniCraze said:
Cameraphone ftl

I was about to make a smart ass remark like "Oh you can spend 650 bux on a new video card but you can't spare a little extra for a decent camera" but that's actually a pretty good photo for a camera phone ;)
sam0t said:
Why do people have these killer rigs and their cabling is a total disaster? :D Nice card btw!

I do have a high end rig, and cabling is all zip tied and neat......albeit I dont have an 8800.
Your guys' systems all look nice!

I have to ask, what is the GIGANTIC "hose" going to your CPU highendtoys? I'm assuming a phase change system?

I'll post pics soon... when I get my 8800GTX.
rego001 - Dude, that is a very clean and sexy looking rig, excellent job!!!.

:p :D
rego001 , let me guess that case, Aspire Super X-Alien? :D

you win a cookie sir :D

ive had this case forever. its seen about 20 different mobos and just about every vid card since the 9800pro.
jgdiaz said:
I have the P180 case as well and I took the time to tidy up the cables, I did remove the upper HD cage and put in an extra vantec tornado 92mm fan to keep my Quad SLI cards cool and I am only using the lower cage for my 2 hard drives.

Here are some picks of my Quad SLI and the Evga mobo, I am not ready for the 8800GTX yet.

:D pic of all is the one with the "acne free terminator" on top of the cpu case...LMFAO..
Cowboy420 said: pic of all is the one with the "acne free terminator" on top of the cpu case...LMFAO..

Yeah, I noticed that I caught that too!!! LOL. Needed that to get rid of a 1/2" big zitthat I had on my leg. :D :eek:
Astrogiblet said:
Your guys' systems all look nice!

I have to ask, what is the GIGANTIC "hose" going to your CPU highendtoys? I'm assuming a phase change system?

I'll post pics soon... when I get my 8800GTX.

Most definitely phase change :)
decapitator said:
GTX SLI I know its a mess but it gets the job done :D

HOLY SHIT! nice :d

rego001 said:
you win a cookie sir :D

ive had this case forever. its seen about 20 different mobos and just about every vid card since the 9800pro.

I have to stop lookin at this thread.. it's making the wait seem longer. lol.
I have to stop looking at this thread as is giving me the upgrade urge even though I just bought my whole computer less than six months ago. *imposes self-ban from all 8800 related threads*
xelpmoc said:
8800 GTX, complete with now-homeless hard drive:

If that's a GTX, then it looks like I can still fit an 8800GTS in my P180B with the 120mm fan attached to the HDD cage. That's where it is right now with my sole HDD in the lower cage. I'd hate to have to take the cage out and push the fan far to the front of the case.
decapitator said:
GTX SLI I know its a mess but it gets the job done :D


You should have gotten the large tech station so the video card doesn't hang over. :cool:
