Post your 4850 auto-tune/manual overclocks


Jun 23, 2004
Sorry if this or something similar has been posted already:

auto-tune gives 690/1138 for me, core/mem vs 625/993 stock

card still idles at 500/750 for power saving, which is nice :cool:
Autotune gave me 690/1190 but got major artifacting almost immediately. I am at 660/1075 now and am still getting missing textures in crysis. Gonna have to bump it down further. Looks like I might have a lemon.
That's a pretty good auto-overclock. Nearly 4870 GPU performance, but of course bandwidth is nowhere near GDDR5 levels ;)

500 is kind of overkill for idle 2D/Aero stuff. 300 or even 150 would be enough IMO.
What do you use to overclock? Also, can anyone explain why in CCC, I can see the overdrive area and all the data but it's grayed out and doesn't have any clear option to enable the tab.

nvm I found out how to do it, heh, and thanks for the poster below me even though I finally figured it out after just clicking around the page.
ATI overdrive put me at 690 core both times, I can only run 675.
ATI overdrive put me at 1008 and 1138 mem first time, 1133 and 1098 the second time. Over 1075 artifacts.

conclusion: ATI OD and stock cooler blows.
Are you guys cranking the fan speed? I'm going to be very said Id I dont break 700mhz! though I guess the memory is probably the bigger bottleneck.
Are you guys cranking the fan speed? I'm going to be very said Id I dont break 700mhz! though I guess the memory is probably the bigger bottleneck.

No I'm at stock which takes me to like 30% under load. Load temps are 89-91C. It only touches 84 during ATI OD for some reason, which is probably why it says I can do 690. And yes, they're mega memory limited.
For whatever reason, I can max out the core slider (700) in Vista x64 and do a run of Crysis just fine, but if I OC even to 690 in XP64, Crysis locks up and the display shuts off about 2 seconds after I load a savegame.
VisionTek 4850
Auto Tune - 700/1190
Actual Stable (AoC, Crysis, 3dmark06) - 690/1175

It doesn't seem like the fan ever speeds up past 30% though (can't hear it at all over case fans) and according to overdrive my gpu never goes over 84c.
I'm running two 4850's in xfire and they're both water cooled with Dtek gpu water blocks. Now my temp gauge is all jacked and either shows 0C or 127C, and in gpu-z shows 255C. But when I had just one 4850 in there it showed 25C and at full load wouldn't go past 28C. I also checked both cards and re-seated them and the patch left on the block looks even and had plenty of pressure, so I know they're adequately cooled. The other test was checking the temp on the PCB, before the PCB use to get real hot because the stock cooler cannot dissipate the heat efficiently at all.

So, back to the point of the OP, I can only get it to 690 or maybe 695 because AoC has locked up on me a couple times @700MHz OC. Even with the GPU's really cooled down they still wont run @ 700MHz without locking on occassion. Prob needs voltage mod. The 4870 cards prob have a decent amount more voltage going into the GPU. Esp. considering the dual 6-pin connectors.
Vision Tek, 690 and 1143 from auto tune, haven't tested for stability.

Any tools you recommend for testing stability besides installing a game?
Asus 4850 stock cooler

Auto-tune gave me 690/1133

Ran some Crysis benches with no problems, fan at 100% (for overclock testing) keeps it under 70c.

Boosted my FPS at XP DX9 "Very High" from average of 31 to 34.
Little Update - Though the auto-tune OC of 690/1133 was playable without problems, ATITool was artifacting. Because I am looking for 100% stability I am testing lower clocks and slowly increasing. So far the highest 100% stable OC I have tried is 675/1048 (stock = 625/933).
Autotune got me up to 690/1173.

Actual overclock without artifacting is 700/1050 (ATITool).

Seems like ATITool really busts these cards OC and seems that Auto-Tune is a horrible measure for stability :)
750/1100 here:) Using Zalman VF-900. Temps are in the upper 60's while gaming.