Post your 3dMark 2005 scores here. (Link to list in 1st post)

Fireplay5 said:

Man, I definitely have to upgrade my graphic card now. hmmm. me thinks the x800pro with a soft mod to xt. :D Ok I could dream bigger but my pocket book wouldn't handle it!

Honestly, just hang onto the 9800 Pro.

I have an X800Pro (upgraded from a 9800 Pro) and I think that you're fine with your current card until the next major generational change comes along.
Honestly, just hang onto the 9800 Pro.

Whoops! Well I am too late now. I didn't see your post in time. Oh well, I decided not to go with the x800 pro at the last minute. I stretched my pocketbook out just enough to get the BFG 6800 ultra OC. I hope it is a decent card, not to mention I hope that my Enermax whisper 465w PS can handle that baby. We will soon see.

Also being an ATI guy it makes me a little nervous to try nvidia out. The last time I did that I had to rma it cause it was DOA. So I decided to stick with ATI instead of replacing it with another nvidia.

..edit.. I just noticed that in my Quotes I don't have "originally posted by ...." I must be doing something wrong. Can someone show me the light? Thanks.

Fireplay5 said:
..edit.. I just noticed that in my Quotes I don't have "originally posted by ...." I must be doing something wrong. Can someone show me the light? Thanks.

I'm not sure if that was a joke line, but i'll say this anyhow :)

Click on the quote button at the bottom of the persons post, delete the text that you do not want to quote, but leave the tags: [ QUOTE=username ] and [ /QUOTE ] in.

Fireplay5 said:
Whoops! Well I am too late now. I didn't see your post in time. Oh well, I decided not to go with the x800 pro at the last minute. I stretched my pocketbook out just enough to get the BFG 6800 ultra OC. I hope it is a decent card, not to mention I hope that my Enermax whisper 465w PS can handle that baby. We will soon see.

Also being an ATI guy it makes me a little nervous to try nvidia out. The last time I did that I had to rma it cause it was DOA. So I decided to stick with ATI instead of replacing it with another nvidia.

..edit.. I just noticed that in my Quotes I don't have "originally posted by ...." I must be doing something wrong. Can someone show me the light? Thanks.

Maaan u shoulda gone for the x800 xt pe .. 6800 ultra is good but the x800 xt pe woulda been a better choice since you're not planning to sli any time soon i presume
Yeah being an ATI guy I would have rather gone with the X800 xt but the best price I could find that for was around $520. I found the BFG 6800 Ultra OC for $399 + $50 rebate so it came out to $350 before shipping and tax. I couldn't beat that deal. Had to jump on it! :D
4110, lower than what I was expecting.

Athlon 64bit 3200+ S754 w/ Venus 12 Fan+3 1/2" Bay controller
1.5 GB PQI Turbo PC3200 DDR Ram
AOpen AK-86-L Motherboard
ATI X800 Pro 256mb DDR Video Card (486 core / 1020 memory)
Aspire 500 Watt PSU w/ Internal Intake and External Exhaust w/ Fan control

CPU score is 2535, which doesn't seem good.
Fireplay5 said:
Yeah being an ATI guy I would have rather gone with the X800 xt but the best price I could find that for was around $520. I found the BFG 6800 Ultra OC for $399 + $50 rebate so it came out to $350 before shipping and tax. I couldn't beat that deal. Had to jump on it! :D

I woulda gone for that too .. nice deal !!
Derrict said:
4110, lower than what I was expecting.

Athlon 64bit 3200+ S754 w/ Venus 12 Fan+3 1/2" Bay controller
1.5 GB PQI Turbo PC3200 DDR Ram
AOpen AK-86-L Motherboard
ATI X800 Pro 256mb DDR Video Card (486 core / 1020 memory)
Aspire 500 Watt PSU w/ Internal Intake and External Exhaust w/ Fan control

CPU score is 2535, which doesn't seem good.

Definitely CPU holding you back.

I know I don't have an AMD platform, but these X800's are easily held back by CPU. By OCing just my video card to 635/642, my total score went from 4600 to 4800. If I bump up my CPU to 3.85ghz (as well as my GPU), my total score goes to 6000+
Fireplay5 said:
I stretched my pocketbook out just enough to get the BFG 6800 ultra OC. I hope it is a decent card, not to mention I hope that my Enermax whisper 465w PS can handle that baby. We will soon see.
It's a darned good card is what it is. You have nothing to worry about. And any power supply that ACTUALLY provides 400W is more than sufficient (it might be than a very high quality 350W is enough.) As for nVidia versus ATI, well, ATI has been behind for a bit since they seemed to be concentrating purely on the highest end lately and the majority of us all are closer to mid-range. The GFFX 6800 line is absolutely incredible in that range, and the Ultra is the high end of the 6800s (not the mention OC means it's made for overclocking and does so right out of the box.) As for cards arriving DOA, can't blame that on nvidia because it's specific to the manufacturer of the card not the chips that go on the card. Buy from a quality company such as BFG and you should be just fine.

Fireplay5 said:
..edit.. I just noticed that in my Quotes I don't have "originally posted by ...." I must be doing something wrong. Can someone show me the light? Thanks.
If manually typing in the quote command, use QUOTE=Name and it will show the name of the person. In fact, I sometimes cheat, get all lazy, and say something like: said:
Blah blah blah

Now, as for CPU holding one back, Athlon 64 is every bit as good as the best pentiums and by all reports if you have at least a 3000+ the CPU isn't a limiting factor. No, something else is up. Athlon 64 3200+ is NOT a cpu bottleneck normally. If the x800 is THAT picky that even an Athlon 64 > 3000+ isn't enough, then I say it's time to abandon ATI... (And, btw, after the Radeon 9600 Pro, I was an ATI person, so don't think I'm biased.)
Nazo said:
Athlon 64 3200+ is NOT a cpu bottleneck normally. If the x800 is THAT picky that even an Athlon 64 > 3000+ isn't enough, then I say it's time to abandon ATI... (And, btw, after the Radeon 9600 Pro, I was an ATI person, so don't think I'm biased.)

I agree, but when you OC your video card, that changes everything. CPU becomes more important when you reach certain speeds on your GPU
bubblethumper said:
I agree, but when you OC your video card, that changes everything. CPU becomes more important when you reach certain speeds on your GPU

I'm not too knowledgeable about computers since my brother usually did all the work for me but he's stationed over in Iraq at the moment. I ran SiSoftware Sandra, specifically the Memory Bandwidth Benchmark test, and it showed my ram speed as: 2 x 100 MHz (200 MHz) or 1600 max mem. bus bandwidth. Shouldn't this be around 2 x 200 MHz?

I also ran the Sandra CPU test and it came within the same test results of other Athlon 64 3200+. I just got the comp Friday so there are a lot of things to tweak and adjust.

SiSoftware Sandra

Benchmark Results
RAM Bandwidth Int Buff'd iSSE2 : 1473 MB/s
RAM Bandwidth Float Buff'd iSSE2 : 1465 MB/s

Int Buff'd iSSE2 (Integer STREAM) Results Breakdown
Assignment : 1476MB/s
Scaling : 1477MB/s
Addition : 1471MB/s
Triad : 1471MB/s
Data Item Size : 16 byte(s)
Buffering Used : Yes
Offset Displacement Used : Yes
Bandwidth Efficiency : 92% (estimated)

Float Buff'd iSSE2 (Float STREAM) Results Breakdown
Assignment : 1468MB/s
Scaling : 1468MB/s
Addition : 1463MB/s
Triad : 1462MB/s
Data Item Size : 16 byte(s)
Buffering Used : Yes
Offset Displacement Used : Yes
Bandwidth Efficiency : 92% (estimated)

Performance Test Status
Run ID : A5388VFE836MXP8 on Saturday, February 05, 2005 at 11:22:18 AM
Memory Used by Test : 512MB
NUMA Support : No
SMP Test : No
Total Test Threads : 1
SMT Test : No
Dynamic MP/MT Load Balance : No
Processor Affinity : P0
Page Size : 4kB
Use Large Memory Pages : No

Chipset 1
Model : VIA Technologies Inc Apollo K8HTB CPU to PCI Bridge
Front Side Bus Speed : 2x 800MHz (1600MHz data rate)
In/Out Width : 16-bit / 16-bit
Maximum Bus Bandwidth : 6400MB/s (estimated)

Logical/Chipset 1 Memory Banks

Chipset 2
Model : Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Athlon 64 / Opteron HyperTransport Technology Configuration
Front Side Bus Speed : 2x 800MHz (1600MHz data rate)
In/Out Width : 16-bit / 16-bit
Maximum Bus Bandwidth : 6400MB/s (estimated)

Logical/Chipset 2 Memory Banks
Bank 0 : 256MB DDR-SDRAM 2.0-2-2-2CL 1CMD
Bank 1 : 256MB DDR-SDRAM 2.0-2-2-2CL 1CMD
Bank 2 : 256MB DDR-SDRAM 2.0-2-2-2CL 1CMD
Bank 3 : 256MB DDR-SDRAM 2.0-2-2-2CL 1CMD
Bank 4 : 256MB DDR-SDRAM 2.0-2-2-2CL 1CMD
Bank 5 : 256MB DDR-SDRAM 2.0-2-2-2CL 1CMD
Channels : 1
Speed : 2x 100MHz (200MHz data rate)
Width : 64-bit
Maximum Memory Bus Bandwidth : 1600MB/s (estimated)
something is up ... i would go to the bios and check if you can go any higher on the fsb with that ram !!

As for the cpu / gpu issue you guys don't know what you're talkin about ...

If the cpu is a limiting factor then the damm card is sooo good ur cpu is slowing it down ... NO a 3000+ is not enough ... even a fx-55 is might not be enough .. if you read any reviews they always pick the best cpu so the cpu will not be a limiting factor ...

If you compare a 3.0 ghz intel system with an ATi or nvidia card to a 3000+ Athlon 64 you're defintely gonna get a higher score with the AMD .. because AMD's are better gaming machines ... Intel can't compete with that ... but I will say this one more time .. if you wanna get the most out of your video card ...
get good ram .. good motherboard and a high end cpu .. and never forget .. a good psu
the FSB and DRAM frequency are greyed out and can't be modified in the BIOS. The FSB is set at 200, DRAM at 100 MHz.
I didn't know it wasn't OCed at all. I think the people saying that anything from a 3000+ up is enough to get by probably made the assumption it's actually being used to it's full potential. Well, all I can say is my CPU and memory are more limiting than they should be by rights and I'm getting a higher score. (Should be able to run 2.5GHz on this board, 2.6 even maybe 2.7 if I had one that could bypass the 12.5 multiplier limitation, but, my memory is holding me back as it was made before systems could do ddr400 so they didn't properly test it.)

Still, I must say, 100x2? That memory is running pretty slowly, and, it doesn't sound like it's 1:1 with the CPU either... You probably have to set an option somewhere to actually allow overclocking, and you may have to set the memory manually. Btw, all 2s? There should be a high number on one of those. Eg something like 5-2-2-2, 2T/1T
I got 2239 with the system in my sig. Im gonna try and OC a little more and see if I can get it to 2500. Im still using the stock cooler on the 9800 and theres no thermal paste on the CPU (I know, shame on me, it runs fine though), but I got a ATI Silencer and some Arctic Silver 5 coming, so I know I'll be able to OC the GPC and CPU.

I was just looking at my Excel document after adding Naldo's score and I noticed something.

The average OC speed of X800 Pros (541/556) is higher than the average speed of the X800 XTs (532/540).

Neato buritto.

did better than I thought I would

my system specs:

amd athlon xp 2000+ @ 1.82 (145x12.5)
epox 8rda3i
1 gig (2x512) patriot PC2700 running 1:1 @ 145 in dual channel mode
bfg 6800gt oc @ 415/1.05

i'm still tinkering with my OC settings right now.

does this sound about right considering my crappy cpu?
Aardvarck said:

did better than I thought I would

my system specs:

amd athlon xp 2000+ @ 1.82 (145x12.5)
epox 8rda3i
1 gig (2x512) patriot PC2700 running 1:1 @ 145 in dual channel mode
bfg 6800gt oc @ 415/1.05

i'm still tinkering with my OC settings right now.

does this sound about right considering my crappy cpu?

Hrm, that's apx the area I was getting when I had my GPU core running at 425MHz. Supposedly 3dMark05 is not very CPU dependant at all, though I would have thought a CPU running at under 2GHz would have been a problem even in 05. Anyway, you're doing pretty well there it seems. In games like Far Cry/etc, your CPU will be all that holds you back I bet.
Just installed a VGA Silencer on my 9800 and got it to 450/385 stable. Got 2400 3dmarks this time.
arentol said:
Wierd.... Why did you chose to post a comparison to my score rather than just your score alone?

(not that I mind at all, just find it kind of strange).

i did?? didnt notice just copy the link it show me :rolleyes:

Nevermind, I was being stupid.

You posted a compare link, and since I have an active project it automatically compared yours to mine when I clicked your link... It would show anyone else who clicked it there active project as well. I guess I never clicked anyone elses compare link before so I wasn't expecting it to happen like that.
Score: 3449

Date: 2005-02-05
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3394 MHz
GPU: Generic VGA
491 MHz / 982 MHz
OS: Microsoft Windows XP
Res: 1024x768@32 bit

"Generic VGA" = GeForce 6610XL (sub-spec'd 6600GT OEM bastard). The ORB doesn't recognise the chipset and won't let me publish the results, so no link I'm afraid.
cornelious0_0 said:
Yes I'm still here, and we could sure use some more action over at the [H]ard ORB.....come on ppl, show me what you got. :D

You've gotta at least make it a top 20 list if you hope to capture some people that post in this thread.

This thread is great because everyone is included no matter what the score.
bubblethumper said:
You've gotta at least make it a top 20 list if you hope to capture some people that post in this thread.

This thread is great because everyone is included no matter what the score.

I am blushing. ;)

Just a heads up for you guys..I have 522 scores right now.
I will probably post a new list on Friday or Saturday unless I make it to 550 sooner than that.
Let me clarify that. This Saturday or 550 scores, whichever comes first.
bubblethumper said:
You've gotta at least make it a top 20 list if you hope to capture some people that post in this thread.

This thread is great because everyone is included no matter what the score.

True, but I'm still always looking for fresh faces in our Top10's. :D
cornelious0_0 said:
True, but I'm still always looking for fresh faces in our Top10's. :D

Soon :p

My XTPE "supposedly" will be coming back from RMA this week. I've been waiting 2 months already, so I'm not holding my breath.
bubblethumper said:
Soon :p

My XTPE "supposedly" will be coming back from RMA this week. I've been waiting 2 months already, so I'm not holding my breath.

What's the rest of your rig lookin' like?
I'll be posting some new 3DMark scores soon. :D

cornelious0_0 said:
What's the rest of your rig lookin' like?

Well, it used to look like this:

Asus P4C800-E Deluxe
3.4 Northwood (3.85ghz max on my old cooling setup)
2x512 Kingston HyperX
Radeon X800Pro (bought it to tide me over)
GPU/CPU on a Koolance water setup

Now, here is what it is going to be:

Abit IC7-Max3 (to combat my cpu-voltage droop problem)
G.Skill TCCD
Radeon X800XTPE
Custom 1/2 watercooling for GPU/CPU/Northbridge using dangerden stuff

I bought an IC7-Max3 from someone on these forums, but the board is DOA. I've already filed for an RMA becuase I really want the board (not my money back). I'm convinced that with no volt-droop, I can be stable at 4ghz or higher for daily use.

"Supposedly" my XTPE will come in this week, but who knows about the mobo. I'm pretty bummed because I just spent a ton of time setting up the new cooling setup and now I'm going to have to redo it on the RMA'd board..

I really thought I'd be up and running by the end of this week, but this mobo problem is killing me. I guess that's life. :(