Post pics of your HDTV's as PC displays

Jan 14, 2001
I'm going HDTV for next-gen gaming but will want to use it as a primary PC display as well.
If you guys wouldn't mind I'd like to get some ideas and impressions on what to expect.
If you have time please post up some pictures of your HDTVs being used as PC displays!

Does anyone even have any opinions?
Is it really hard to use a 27" - 32" 16:9 screen like you would a normal PC monitor? I'm afraid it may be harder, because I'd have to "look around" the screen more often.
My dad's 65" Hitachi 65G500 CRT does ok as a PC Monitor :D I have my SFF jukebox hooked up to it.
I currently use my Samsung 46" DLP as my primary gamming display. I have in connected through DVI, which I would recomend as anything else will be horrible. It works very well, and I cant wait to get a next gen console to hook up to it.