Post here what Antivirus program you use!

PC 1 = ZoneAlarm Security Suite
PC 2 = Norton AV Corporate Edition
PC 3 = NOD32 v2.70
PC 4 = Trend Corporate Edition
PC 5 = Building... Probably Norton Corporate Edition if NOD32 doesn't work with Win2K3
Laptop 1 = Trend Corporate Edition
Laptop 2 = Trend Corporate Edition
Laptop 3 = Norton AV Corporate Edition
Avira Antivir - 5 PCs (simply because it is the best)
Sophos - 3 PCs (Office)
AVG free ed. - 1 PC (this PC is too old to handle new/sophisticated ones)
BitDefender - 1 PC (friend's PC)
AVG Free for me. i have tried Kaspersky a while back, couldn't like it and switched back to AVG Free again :D
Avast, found it a bit better than AVG at least lately. I never seem to get viruses though, only have had a couple in all the years and with all the PCs I run at home *knocks on wood*

Have fun when one of the many unix viruses nails your machine dude. Steve can't save you then :eek:
I've normally been using Sav Corporate for Vista x64, but I'm thinking of giving OneCare a try. I got a great price on it, and since it's a pretty simple interface for my wife to use, I'll be putting it on her PC and our shared laptop. I haven't fully decided about what to put on my main system, but that will be decided later.
None at the moment. Since the vast majority of viruses don't affect Linux, there isn't a whole lot of need right now. I might get around to putting something on eventually, though.

PC 1 = AVG
PC 2 = Avast!
PC 3 = AVG
PC 4 = AVG
PC 5 = AVG
I run AVG on my personal computer.

At work we are switching over from Norton Corporate 9 to Kaspersky. Kasperspy seems pretty good at catching stuff but it's management tools are pretty bad.
AVG on my laptop running Vista
AntiVir on my desktop running XP Pro
Laptop: AVG
Desktop: AVG
Wife's DT: NAV Corp for years, it finally broke somehow, just pust AVG on it last week

Have quite a few various old "extra" PCs kicking around, most of them have either AVG or Avast!

Haven't found any AV program that doesn't slow down games some though, maybe not so much slow down, but makes 'em a little less responsive, feels kinda "sticky" when I play and don't shut down all the non-essential processes.

But, haven't been bothered by a virus for a LONG time, spyware is much more of a pain, been putting Windows Defender and Spybot Search & Destroy on all my PCs, sometimes Spyware Blaster too. I just put Threatfire on my wife's PC to check it out ~ monitors for "suspicious activity" rather than using signatures.
CA: Secure Context Management

This is a business class s/w, you can't buy it in the street