Possibly Noobish NAS Question


Limp Gawd
Jan 12, 2009
I was looking into a QNAP 419P (seems to have great reviews, and meets my needs for offloaded storage and file backup), but I also want to have the NAS backed up to an online backup service (like Carbonite). Is this possible? I know that some sites that sync/backup data constantly don't work on things like external harddrives (since they don't have the ability to install software and whatnot), but would a NAS (specifically the QNAP) be able to back-up to an online service?

Goal: RAID 5, 4-bay NAS (don't want to put it together myself, would rather buy a complete system - without drives) that I can back-up to an online service.
Anyone have some insight?

Can a 419P+ be backed up online with one of those "cloud" back-up services? ...and if so, any recommendations on a good service?