Possible to grab GUID information from command-line?


Limp Gawd
Jun 17, 2003
I'm trying to remotely grab the GUID from one of our network computers that's quite far off-campus via PSTOOLS. I've googled quite a bit for a solution, but can't seem to find anything.

In short, is there any sort of command I could use to show me the GUID from the Mobo's Network Card?

Any help is much appreciated.

GUID? Do you mean the MAC? If so, I don't think so. However, it's a simple thing to write a bit of code to get it. The code will have to access low-level features from the OS - Windows has the functionality available through Visual C++ and probably other Visual languages. Some higher-level languages that are not OS specific can't do this. Once installed on the machine, it can then cough up the MAC. Unfortunately, this obliges you to place this code on the target machine.

I understand that the MAC is in the ISO network protocol information, so it may be available by inspecting the lower levels of the network info, but I don't know how to do that.

Try asking in a networking forum.
I actually do mean the GUID. It's actually quite simple to obtain the MAC address from a windows based machine by using the getmac command at a command prompt.

I'll ask over in networking to see if they have ideas.