Possible new Left 4 Dead Exploit?


Limp Gawd
Jan 13, 2004
So last night we were playing Versus on No Mercy and we are on chapter 2. Shortly after leaving the safe room we are down by the subway ticket booths and we have to fight the tank. We managed to take the tank down and we move on making past the part were you have to wait for the door to open. We run up stairs and jump out the window trying to rush to the safe room when the screen starts shacking.... ANOTHER TANK? Sure enough a block away from the safe room we all get laid out by a second tank and the round is over. So we are forced to fight 2 tanks in one chapter. I haven't had that happen before but ok.

Then the next chapter starts and again we fight a tank right after we go through the restaurant and then a second tank once we make it down into sewers. At this point I am thinking something is up.

when we had our turn as the infected we did not get 2 tanks in either chapter. The rest of the game this didn't happen again until the finally chapter were it always happens.

So has anyone else seen this? is it an exploit or just how it goes?
It could have something to do with your pacing through the level. The A.I. Director is quite cruel. ;)

From what I've heard, you need to be quick and efficient when going through levels. Any lingering will result in you facing even more zombie hoards, which might be what's happening (in your case).
Thats not an exploit, funny things can happen with the AI director, and personally I find it entirely inviting. I love the randomness, thats what makes L4D loads of fun.
I've actually been on the infected side where the survivors had to fight multiple tanks on the same level. In one case I was a boomer and just vomited on someone tied up by a smoker. 2 seconds later it turned me into a tank without me even dying. I think it's just to balance skill levels.
I have seen two tanks on those two levels dozen's of times in versus mode. There is no exploit needed to make them appear twice.

As to you not getting two tanks when you were the infected, there are a couple possible explanations.

Explanation one (most likely): The AI director probably gave the other team two tanks while your team was given one tank and one witch. Since the AI director considers tanks and witches to be equal it would consider this to be a balanced game.

Explanation two (not that much less likely): The game was simply unbalanced because the director screwed up. This happens fairly often actually. I have had levels where I had to face a tank and two witches yet when I was on the infected side we got only a single witch to help us. It just happens that way sometimes, and at least if you don't lose by much you have the consolation of knowing you got screwed on your tanks/witches and that probably made all the difference.

While I am here let me mention one other interesting thing. If you lose control of the tank, and then the second person loses control as well the tank will turn over to AI control but will stay where it is until the survivors come near it. In addition, as each person loses control of their current infected that infected will stay where it is until the survivors approach it. Properly used this can be devastating. For instance, if you get the tank early, and there is a witch on the same level then run the tank over near (but not directly on) the witch and lose control. Have your entire team also run to that spot so that when the next person takes control their old infected stays there as well. Then when the survivors start getting near the witch and tank make sure your entire team is ready to spawn. The survivors may then end up having to face a battle against a Tank, Witch, and one or two boomers, one or two smokers, and two or three hunters. Up to 7 attackers in total. (I have never tried this on purpose so I can't say it works every time for certain, but I did have it happen (less the witch) accidentally once at the top of the ladder on the final level of No Mercy.)
I've had it happen plenty of times in co-op mode, so not the least bit surprising it happens in versus as well.
never had it happen to me in game but I play it on PC. I think I would shit bricks though especially since I usually play on Expert.
As others have said, no exploit in all liklihood. I was playing last night and, as the Infected, we spawned a tank with 15 seconds of the Survivors leaving the safe room. Talk about something that ruins their flow -- they promptly folded up without even getting 20% through the level.