Possible [H]ot Deals: CompUSA store closings (Part 2)

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The last hour a small book store in town was open there was a giant sign on the front window "ALL BOOKS: $1"

I'm hoping something similar happens :D
Maybe it's Hawaii or maybe it's the reason why the Hawaii stores was always near #1 in sales, but I dont see price markups. Not saying that the liquidation company may not do that, but I went in there asking about a laptop. He said sure, took me to the inventory computer, pulled it up and said here's the price, thats our cost. Take 5% off the regular price. The laptop wasn't a good deal but from seeing that screen, their markup was only about 10%. And just becuase people said they were raising the prices, I double checked on old price by the old price sticker with last months date on it. it was the same price,
Hey, another Hawaii shopper! To add to what you said, for the most part, the sales people at the Honolulu store have been just as, or even more helpful than usual. I just had a thought, if I was a prospective employer (ie BB, CC, etc), I would surely go down to CompUSA and feel out a future applicant.

I almost went to check the store today, but as I was driving past Ward Ave, I saw this big sign-waving dude hold up those old "up to 20% off" boards. Good thing... saved me the trip.
CompUSA #244 (Tucson, AZ) = sucky deals so far.

I was there yestarday, normal 10%-20% off already high priced items. Even with the discount, you're still paying 5% MORE than BB and CC.

All I bought there was a ream of printer paper ($3.60 after discount). Big whoop.

The lines to the check out were EMPTY, still had a TON of stock on the shelves. Not a bare shelf to be seen. Doesn't even look like the store is haviong a liquidation sale.

I will note, that the BEST deal if you had the money was the PS3. $300 with a 20% discount made it $240.
A $240 ps3? Are you sure? That's a $160 markdown from the cheapest ps3 (40gb).
Maybe it's Hawaii or maybe it's the reason why the Hawaii stores was always near #1 in sales, but I dont see price markups. Not saying that the liquidation company may not do that, but I went in there asking about a laptop. He said sure, took me to the inventory computer, pulled it up and said here's the price, thats our cost. Take 5% off the regular price. The laptop wasn't a good deal but from seeing that screen, their markup was only about 10%. And just becuase people said they were raising the prices, I double checked on old price by the old price sticker with last months date on it. it was the same price,

10% sound about right for the laptops. The markup on hardware was crap when I worked there.

Hawaii were some of the best performing stores in the company. The only stores that did better are in Puerto Rico. It really is not that hard to figure out, you can't really drive to better competition on an island. :)

The liquidation prices will get better, right now the sale is in its infancy and GB is counting on the ignorant saps who will buy any thing that has a clearance sticker. The mark downs usually happen in the middle of the week.
A $240 ps3? Are you sure? That's a $160 markdown from the cheapest ps3 (40gb).

Sorry... duh. I mean it's $399 with a 20% discount making it $320.

Thanks for the correction. I messed up the original price ($300 instead of $400).
Still TONS of stock in the Hoover, Al store. No real deals to speak of...at all. Some of the LCD tv's were priced ok...but nothing spectacular. Really didnt look like they were trying to get rid of anything.
I am still waiting for the deals to reach 30% or more on items. I saw books I might want to get but I'm going to wait for the higher markdowns. Might as well since books are NOT huge big sellers.
I went to my local Compusa. They didn't have squat as far as computer hardware is concerned. They had FX5200 on the shelf for 80 dollars and some crappy dx10 cards.
I doubt seriously that we're going to see anything we'd consider a "good deal" till after Christmas. They're going to milk the higher prices as long as possible, and then dump everything starting the day after Christmas, that's my guess.
Tomorrow's officially a week since the sale started. I'm gonna drop by and hope for 30% off cases and cooling. I need a new case for my build!
I went to the downtown SF CompUSA store today...err yesterday, they were putting up the 30% signs, but the only thing I saw that was 30% off was TV wall mounts, everything else was the same price as last week...Not sure if it'll still be like that in a few hours though.
10-30% off signs now, but still no [H]awt deals to be found.

Same here. I didnt see anything that had additional mark downs, i am sure that there is an accessory somewhere that is 30% off now in the store, but i didnt see it.
Hi guys! Just got back from the SF store and you wouldn't believe me if I told you...but here goes. The discount this week is LESS than what it was last week. I don't know when this happened as I have not been visiting them on a daily basis. Videocards for example were 20% off when I visited last Wednesday, they are now only 10% off. PC games used to be 20% but are now also 10%. This is the most depressing going out of business clearance I've seen.
Hi guys! Just got back from the SF store and you wouldn't believe me if I told you...but here goes. The discount this week is LESS than what it was last week. I don't know when this happened as I have not been visiting them on a daily basis. Videocards for example were 20% off when I visited last Wednesday, they are now only 10% off. PC games used to be 20% but are now also 10%. This is the most depressing going out of business clearance I've seen.

They are pretty smart if you ask me, saps and stupid customer base (majority of people) went last week , found a few things at "SALE" price, thought it was a hellacious deal, more so for the holidays, couldn't believe it, pass the info to their stupid friends and now they go buy (blind if you will) at "SALE" price as well w/o wasting time to check CC, BB, Costco or any other store. I know that I would be doing the same thing if I was them.

As other people have said, the cream of the crop prices won't be there until after Xmas or the beginning of the year... depending on when they really have to shut the doors down. By then, they might have gotten lucky and unloaded the best stuff at full price.
They are pretty smart if you ask me, saps and stupid customer base (majority of people) went last week , found a few things at "SALE" price, thought it was a hellacious deal, more so for the holidays, couldn't believe it, pass the info to their stupid friends and now they go buy (blind if you will) at "SALE" price as well w/o wasting time to check CC, BB, Costco or any other store. I know that I would be doing the same thing if I was them.

As other people have said, the cream of the crop prices won't be there until after Xmas or the beginning of the year... depending on when they really have to shut the doors down. By then, they might have gotten lucky and unloaded the best stuff at full price.

Yeah I noticed a lot of people were buying up the laptops even the discounts were negligible. Floor models of Macbooks and MBP were marked off $65 and $75 respectively, what a joke.
maybe now they will start lowering prices. Nah, there are still idiots still buying alot of stuff...
Oh I thought this was funny, staying on track for good deals. WoW time cards at 10% is good. Too bad both stores, the employees bought them all. When I asked were the cards were, he laughed saying they bought out the whole stock. 7 cards. oh well. I wouldnt blame them. I would.
Just got back from my CompUSA, Video Cards now marked up to only 10% off, were 20% off last week LOL Saw the same for pretty much everything that was 20% last week went around the store and everything was only 20% off except for processors which were still 20% off. Not sure what is supposed to be 30% off because I could find nothing even though there were signs hanging saying up to 30%,

Anyways I caved in on a q6600, the guy had no idea when I asked him about what steppings they had so he let me behind the counter and I went through them all and found only 2 G0 left and one of them was an L737 which many people are getting 4ghz with, so I bit the bullet and bought it (262.75) now I can finish my system sometime in the next couple days if I can find someplace local to get some Arctic Silver!
It's going ot suck if I have to mail order AS5 now LOL

Anyways GL with the sales everyone.
off topic:
I noticed how many people here hate Compusa. They don't know crap,poor service,they do bad things,etc.

Heres another +1 for them. I went back and spoke to the manager on duty about me buying that Cosmos case just before closing. Last rep didnt do it, manager said sure. No hassles. I even forgot my receipt but I had the upc part of the box. So she looked it up reprinted the receipt and took the upc code from me just to make sure I wouldnt send in the rebate.

Not all of them know everything, but many do. That can be said for most stores. If they paid them for the ammount we WANT them to know. we couldnt afford the price markups they would make everything. Seriously.
With the percentage going up on hardware I might as well wait until the 26th to see if I can get anything good.
With the percentage going up on hardware I might as well wait until the 26th to see if I can get anything good.

Where is this percentage going up on hardware information you speak of? I saw nothing of the sort when I went today, deals were largely either the same or worst than last Wednesday.
The sheer fact that the stores are closing and they're announcing it and posting signs saying they're closing will ensure the store sells out of everything before Christmas. People will flood those places in the next few days looking for bargains even when they're not bargains. A 5% mark down on a product that was marked up 7.5% doesn't matter - consumers only note the signs on the way in, and they associate "store is closing" with "oh man, what great prices" regardless of whether they're saving a dime or not.

Choosing to close the stores just before Christmas was brilliant. It will ensure they keep prices higher than they normally would drop them and people won't care. Day after Christmas I'd say there won't be much of anything in CompUSA stores except space and furniture.

And a lot of "Store Closing" signs and garbage, of course. :D
I went int and looked around 2 days ago. Anything on a decent sale (decent as in near online price) was gone. I was hopping to pick up a Q6600 at ~$240 but every intel proc they had was gone.
Day after Christmas I'd say there won't be much of anything in CompUSA stores except space and furniture.

Man, I used to work at comp and let me tell you, there is going to be about a million ipod cases (we had boxes upon boxes of ipod cases for 3rd and lower gen ipods - the ones with the 4 buttons - earlier this year) a ton of PS2 stands which dont work with the new ps2s and all of the other STUPID stuff that whichever retard was in charge of stock would order. Seriously, it's no wonder the store is going out of business - so much wasteful spending.

Back to the deals at hand I didn't see much of interest except for some cases and power supplies. When will they sell off the broken/open box items for steep discounts? probably not till later I suppouse....
Man, I used to work at comp and let me tell you, there is going to be about a million ipod cases (we had boxes upon boxes of ipod cases for 3rd and lower gen ipods - the ones with the 4 buttons - earlier this year) a ton of PS2 stands which dont work with the new ps2s and all of the other STUPID stuff that whichever retard was in charge of stock would order. Seriously, it's no wonder the store is going out of business - so much wasteful spending.

Its not stupid, Stores like that always make the biggest profit margin off of little things like that. They pay nearly nothing for them and make out like bandits even at super insane sale prices they will make a profit off the small things like that.

I worked at best buy for a while and used the discount alot. You would be surprised where these comapnies are making thier money. If you think they make it off game systems, ipods and other large expensive things you would be surpirsed. Accessories and subscriptions are where its at.

Me and a friend used to spend slow days just grabbing random shit just to see the margin. Got a few killer deals that way like $2 PS2 controllers, $8 flash drive etc.
No wonder CompUsa is closing, can back from the store in Maryland.

Same old 20% off on Cases
10% Off on CPU
10% Off on Networking.

I mean they are so stupid, they jackup the price of Cosmos to $199 now, there was only one left. How are these people who buy things at this prices. Good GOD, every thing is above even normal price of CompUsa, even more than last week. Thank You GOD, they are out of business.
No wonder CompUsa is closing, can back from the store in Maryland.

Same old 20% off on Cases
10% Off on CPU
10% Off on Networking.

I mean they are so stupid, they jack up the price of Cosmos to $199 now, there was only one left. How are these people who buy things at this prices. Good GOD, every thing is above even normal price of CompUsa, even more than last week. Thank You GOD, they are out of business.

I call it the "Christmas gift mentality". I've been guilty of it myself at times. Once you decide you want to get a certain item for someone, you will pay almost any price to get it and a "closeout sale" is irrisistable.

I just bought a 55.00 item online and payed 20.00 to get it here before Christmas. Yes its stupid to pay almost half the price of the item for shipping, but sometimes "gotta have it" overrides common sense. Most of the time, I am a VERY frugal shopper and will wait for a price that makes sense.

Whoever said Gordon Brothers are geniuses for doing this before Christmas are correct. I'll guarantee a whole lot of teen PC enthusiasts are getting upgrades at inflated prices because Mom and Dad want to get it for them and think "oh its on sale! It MUST be a good deal, right?" Poor suckers.
No wonder CompUsa is closing, can back from the store in Maryland.

Same old 20% off on Cases
10% Off on CPU
10% Off on Networking.

I mean they are so stupid, they jackup the price of Cosmos to $199 now, there was only one left. How are these people who buy things at this prices. Good GOD, every thing is above even normal price of CompUsa, even more than last week. Thank You GOD, they are out of business.

Once again, CompUSA is not running it any more, the liquadators are. Why are you blaiming CompUSA for the prices set by the liqudators?
I call it the "Christmas gift mentality". I've been guilty of it myself at times. Once you decide you want to get a certain item for someone, you will pay almost any price to get it and a "closeout sale" is irrisistable.

I just bought a 55.00 item online and payed 20.00 to get it here before Christmas. Yes its stupid to pay almost half the price of the item for shipping, but sometimes "gotta have it" overrides common sense. Most of the time, I am a VERY frugal shopper and will wait for a price that makes sense.

Whoever said Gordon Brothers are geniuses for doing this before Christmas are correct. I'll guarantee a whole lot of teen PC enthusiasts are getting upgrades at inflated prices because Mom and Dad want to get it for them and think "oh its on sale! It MUST be a good deal, right?" Poor suckers.

+ 1000

Also + 1 to pfunkman for saying that the noney is not on the High Ticket items but on the small stuff. Remember that savvy customer are the exception to the rule and not the norm and the Gordon Brothers ann Major Corps bank on this for the holidays... can't fault them for trying now, can we?

I'll be hitting their store later on today to see if I can rack up on some Office Supplies but aside from that, I'm setup with my PC needs and if I buy anything is because the price is so cheap that I can't say no... I'm not holding my breath though. :D
Frankly, I am just glad I used up my one CompUSSR gift card a while back. I am not surprised to see the id10t customers coming in and buying stuff from the one here in Huntsville. You would think in a town where 69% of the populace has a bachelor's degree or higher, many of which are in engineering, that no one would buy anything at these markups. The store here in Huntsville was still plenty stocked when I last checked on Wednesday, but it may be empty by now as we get closer to Christmas.
Well the stores in Hawaii now has the 30% off signs. and on the 17th they started selling the xbox/ps3 displays. Oh what do you know, theres a DNS lable on it. It seems some employee bought it for $100....I dont blame him for getting it before it reached the public, but damn I wish I got the xbox with teh LCD screen for $100.
Does CompUSA sell any XBox accessories (not XBox 360)? If so, are they reasonably priced? My BIL has an XBox and is looking for some cheap games and controller for it.

I'm surprised GB lowered the percentage off, but it does not surprise me. I'm sure they learned some lessons the first time around in the spring and will do whatever their analysis and experience tells them to get every single last dollar (and penny!) they can. From a business perspective, that is smart.
Where is this percentage going up on hardware information you speak of? I saw nothing of the sort when I went today, deals were largely either the same or worst than last Wednesday.

--Vectra - LE-- I meant to say that I want the percentage to go up to 30% + by the day after Christmas but we'll see. I may swing by there tonight just to see how ravaged the store in Augusta, GA is.
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