Possible ATi Radeon 9600 Issue


Jul 25, 2004
SO for starters, I have:
AMD64 3400+
MSI K8N Neo Platinum Mobo
512MB DDR3200 Mushkin Ram
and a ATI Radeon 9600 Pro

Now this machine is recently built, but i salvaged the vid card from an older system.
Ever since I assembled this new machine, ive had numerous problems that winXP pins on the vid card.. for example.. Doom3 either crashed out completely or the screen goes blank for a few seconds, then comes back with a VPU error and a darker screen. Most other games will just either crash to the desktop or simply reboot the system, and each time I get an error relating to the vid card (either causing system instability or a VPU error). I never had this problem with my last machine... but it might also be wise for me to say that this machine has neither windows service pack on it.. neither sp1 or sp2 for some other reasons... Im not sure of that matters.

My question is: is the card to blame? Should I purchase a new one to solve the problems? or is it something inherent with my machine and the OS?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
atleast try installing sp1 it may fix the problem, running just normal xp pro is buggy, locks up alot, sp2 may have fixed some issues with athlon 64 buggies, hey its worth a try :D
I got this same issue with my 9700 PRO. But that was solved after removing the HDD from the 9700P rail & installing CATALYST 04.9 beta. Try this.