Portable Windows?

Dec 17, 2007
Searched this and got no results that matched anything similar.

Most of us know from school or work know how businesses, rather government or not, don't like us touching their computers. They don't want us installing all of that "suspicious software". So I am wondering if there is any way to install xp or vista to a usb flash drive and make it so it will boot up instead of the computer's normal xp? (I don't think most computers will boot usb over hdd, but they will boot cds over hdd).

Not encouraging piracy or anything but there was a portable cd version that took like 5 minutes to boot. (Good if your computer gets corrupted and you need to save the files), but 5 minutes is slow. So I am wondering if theres a legal way to install xp or vista to the usb flash drive and make it boot quickly instead of the normal OS. That way whoever wants to can run their own software without the business worrying and we can have our preferred anti virus, anti-spyware, browsers and what not running.
It's not possible to create a truly "LiveCD" version of Windows, unfortunately. It just doesn't work in a way that would make it portable as you can do with most any Linux distro in this day and age, not by CD or USB or most anything else. I've thought something like that would be useful in the past, but the proper way to do it nowadays is either WinPE or BartPE and build your own "portable" OS with the features you want, basically.

www.ubcd4win.com is the starting point. Where you take it from there is up to you...