Port Fowarding & Wirless Networking

Jan 30, 2005
Hey guys (and girls), I have a slight problem with my mothers computer. My computer and my sister's are ran on a wireless internet that my mothers computer is hosting. However, since Microsoft's Latest update, I can no longer log on to my mom's computer, because when I do, it shuts off the wirless signal to all the other computers.

I was only wondering if anybody knew how to fix this. It seems that the problem will happen after about 1-5 min. after logging on, or as soon as I play a game called Gunz. For the game, I went to my router settings and put in the ports and all, and it worked (before the Microsoft Update).

Some of you may be asking "Well, does it really matter, why do you need more than one computer on the internet at a time?"...Well, for one, because me and my sis are often on our computers at the same time, and two, because I don't have a CD Burner (nor the cabability of having one with this old computer) and my mothers computer does, therefor, often times for my schooling, I must transfer the files over the network (it's easier than e-mail) to burn the files to a CD.

So, if you guys have any suggestions on how this problem can be solved, please post here.

P.S. I did not read all the forums in the section (prolly because there were over 500 of them, and it would take longer than life to read them all). So if you have run across one similar to this, I'll take a look at it.

Thanks guys (and girls)
What do you mean by your MOM's computer "hosting" the network? If you have a router, the router is managing the network... and the router is responsible for the wireless. I'm not sure how a security update to any computer could shut off the wireless to the network. Are you saying you can't get to any shares on your mother's computer, or are you losing connectivity to the internet also? When you say you cant log onto your moms computer, do you mean remotely or you can't log on locally to her machine? Can your mother log on?

Do not worry, we are not asking why you need multiple computers on a network, this is normal. You need to check the wirless setup on your router, and give us some more information.

Also try enabling file and printer sharing on the exceptions page of your mother's firewall setup.
I apologize, it was late at night and I guess I did not give enough detail. I know that my mothers computer does not "host" my internet. All I am saying is that when I log on to my mom's computer (the only one that is not wireless) it disconnects all others wireless internet connections. I don't see why a Windows Update would do it, but I'm just providing facts of when it happend (after what, did it happen...).

By me saying that I could not log on to my mother's computer, I meant that WHEN I do, it shuts off the internet, and since my sis is taking college classes online, she can't afford to be disconnected. (Maybe you should have read 2x before asking about the log on question.)

Also, you have given me advice about checking the firewall and file and printer sharing. All that stuff is configured correctly, and it all worked fine for about 2 months, but like I said, since the recent Windows Update, it's all just gone haywire. I've checked the settings, and nothing has changed.

Are you saying you can't get to any shares on your mother's computer, or are you losing connectivity to the internet also?

Well, of course I can't get any shares, because when I try to log on to my computer upstairs to get files off of my mothers, or vice-versa, it disconnects my computer upstairs thus closing the sharing ability.

I hope that by me updating this forum with the answers to these questions, you will be able to help me more with my problem.

Thanks Again
How is your network set up?

How is mom's PC setup? Is her box using Windows Internet Sharing over an wireless link or are all of you connected to a router first?
How is your network set up?

How is mom's PC setup? Is her box using Windows Internet Sharing over an wireless link or are all of you connected to a router first?

I'm glad you asked that question, while at the same time, not glad....Because you have asked that question, I had to take some time and draw the following pictures to better explain my situation. Now remember, the following pictures were made on the computer in about 5 min. and aren't the best drawings in the world.

First off, this is how my network is supposed to be set-up:

Second, when I log onto my mothers computer, this is bascially what happens:

Third, the red lines are all the computers my network needs to be connected to:

Now, with those pictures, you guys should be able to tell what's going on.

So hopefully, you guys can help me out here.

Thanks again
Why two routers? Which one connects to the internet? What kind of connection do you have, cable, dls, dialup?

Your picture says modem/tower, are you saying that those two computers both use modems to connect?
You should have the internet modem/connection plug into the router, then all the computers plug into the router, it should not go modem-moms pc - router - other PC's
Sorry....messed my pics up.....the black router is actually my cable MODEM.....ment to put modem, but accidently put router. Hope that clears things up.
Your network seems a bit strange :D . All computers in your house should be directly connected to the Belkin router, which is basically what dbwillis said.

Right now, it appears the tower is connectted to your Mom’s computer sort of like Windows Internet Sharing a poster mentioned above.
Why don’t you connect the tower directly to the belkin router?

The way it should work is that the Belkin router connects to the cable modem for broadband access, then your sis connects to the router wirelessly and you connect to the router wirelessly and your mother connects to the router via cat5/6 cable.
OMG.....ok, sorry I screwed up the pics....Here's the configurations....:

Modem-Plugged into wireless router
Router-Plugged into tower of mom's computer
Wireless Signal-Connecting My Computer and Sister's Laptop

All clear now? It's not a problem with how my network is set-up, my network has worked for about 5 months now, but just recently it screwed up.

I thank you for your help, but gosh, get some sense; I ain't dumb, and it's set-up right.

Thanks Again

P.S. By computer and tower, I am reffering to the computer as the monitor and the tower as the tower....therefore, there's no way the cat5 cable would plug into my monitor. Common sense guys.
my bad, not enough coffee yet.

When you lose the connections, can you go to each PC and ping the others?
What IP's are you getting on all the PC's?
Update drivers on your wireless stuff, update firmware on router. Not sure why an external device would be affected by a widnows logon.

Make sure all your machiens get IPs from DHCP (Control Panel > Network > Right click connection > Properties > TCP/IP > Properties > Obtain automatically on everything).

Your router should assign them so that the parth to the interent from any computer dows not go through any other computer.

Are you connecting wirelessly to your mother's machine (Ad-Hoc?) or to the Belkin?
hmm, your mom and sisters PC's are connecting with wireless and your connecting to the router with a cable?
First off....READ IT RIGHT......Plainly says.....
Wireless Signal-Connecting My Computer and Sister's Laptop
Nowhere does it say my mother's computer.....

I've updated all my drivers and firmware, and there are no more available. Also, everything you have said to check is correct. Lastly, I am connecting wirelessly to the Belkin, not my mother's PC.
when your internet goes down, can you log into your router from a wired connection (It won't work on a wireless). What kind of wireless phones do you ahve in your house, 2.4 Ghz ones might interfere. As someone else suggested, while the net is down can you do stuff locally, such as file sharing? If you have a firewall, try blockign all of the traffic on your mother's computer, with everythign workign, then go do whatever you do to make it fail, and see if it does. Also, what do you do to get it back up again?
Ohh my gosh, we found a smart guy that's asking intelligent questions, just not spelling them right.

when your internet goes down, can you log into your router from a wired connection (It won't work on a wireless).
What kind of wireless phones do you ahve in your house
No 2.4 GHz phones here (too much radiation there). :D
As someone else suggested, while the net is down can you do stuff locally, such as file sharing?
If you have a firewall, try blockign all of the traffic on your mother's computer, with everythign workign, then go do whatever you do to make it fail, and see if it does.
Could you explain that a little more and possibly tell me how?
Also, what do you do to get it back up again?
Either log off Mom's Computer, or if that doesn't work, restart the router.

Some extra information you may want to know, there are now 3 other wireless internet signals around my house. But, according to the people that I have talked to, those signals would cause no interference what-so-ever.

Thanks for the help guys, your started to think... :rolleyes:
Kevin :cool:

P.S.Start asking some different questions, because remember, this only started to happen recently, and it is guarenteed to happen when I play my game; however, doesn't always happen as soon as I log onto Mom's Computer, but sometimes does.
So it looks like you are losing complete connectivity, even loaclly (ie your computer reports it has lost connectiviy, not just web sites and such don't work). Your internet may not actually go down, just you lose wireless connectivity.

Just to clarify, is your mothers comp connected wired, wirelessly, or both? Regardless, does it have a wireless card? How close is the router to your mother's comp (thinking interference here)

Does A). simply logging on cause the drop, or does B.) just booting it up do it?
In either case, go start > run type "msconfig" w/o quotes go to the start up tab, and disable all non-essential items (google them to find out)

How to isolate your mother's comp is different dependign on your firewall. Most will have a fairly promient "Block All" button soemwhere, try right clickign the icon on your sys tray.

If isolating your mother's comp seems to fix the problem, then I would look at Control Panel > Netowrk Connections to see if your router shows up there (if ti does it should be under a category called Gateways or soemthign like that). If it is there, right click it and remove it. That is for UPNP, a method for automatically forwardign ports that really is not nessecary in most cases.

If isolating does nto work, it is most likely soemthing with the wireless card itself (if your mother's comp has one). How "latest" is this update you speak of? Have you always been runnign service pack 2?

About my spelling, most of the time all the characters will be right, but swapped around because I type fast w/o really knowing how to.
So it looks like you are losing complete connectivity, even loaclly (ie your computer reports it has lost connectiviy, not just web sites and such don't work). Your internet may not actually go down, just you lose wireless connectivity.
Just to clarify, is your mothers comp connected wired, wirelessly, or both? Regardless, does it have a wireless card? How close is the router to your mother's comp (thinking interference here)
My mother's computer is only connected through a cat5 cable, no wireless objects are in her computer. The router is about 3 ft. from my mother's computer.
Does A). simply logging on cause the drop, or does B.) just booting it up do it?
Sometimes simply logging on causes the drop; however, sometimes it does not. In either case, as soon as I start playing my game, it causes the drop. Booting it up does nothing.
In either case, go start > run type "msconfig" w/o quotes go to the start up tab, and disable all non-essential items (google them to find out)
How to isolate your mother's comp is different dependign on your firewall. Most will have a fairly promient "Block All" button soemwhere, try right clickign the icon on your sys tray.
What if I don't have an icon for my firewall in the sys tray?
If isolating your mother's comp seems to fix the problem, then I would look at Control Panel > Netowrk Connections to see if your router shows up there (if ti does it should be under a category called Gateways or soemthign like that). If it is there, right click it and remove it. That is for UPNP, a method for automatically forwardign ports that really is not nessecary in most cases.
No wireless router listed, only our normal zoom one (when I deleted that before once, it stopped all internet activity).
If isolating does not work, it is most likely soemthing with the wireless card itself (if your mother's comp has one). How "latest" is this update you speak of? Have you always been runnign service pack 2?
No wireless card in mother's computer. Doubt that two differrent kinds of wireless cards are bad. The update for the router is newest, there are no further updates at the moment. Ever since we got my mother's computer from being fixed last time, we've been running SP2.
About my spelling, most of the time all the characters will be right, but swapped around because I type fast w/o really knowing how to.
Quite okay, I understand, I myself type 119 GWAM at school.

Well, none of the suggestions worked; however, they sounded like they should have.

Keep trying, hopefully we can find something ;)
Kevin :confused:
Alright, we are getting somewhere.

Start > Run > type "msconfig" (hit enter) w/o quotes and hit the startup tab in the window that comes up. Disable everythign in there that is not critical (google the full process name (ie "thing.exe" or "thing.dll" instead of just "thing" if you are not sure about something. Reboot and see if your problem continues to happen. If it does, then

Start > run > "cmd" > type "netstat -r" and post the output. Then, in that same widnow, type "ipconfig /all" and post the IP and gateway of all ethernet adapters there (if it does not begin with 192.168 or 10 dont post it, just say it is different, if it does not start with that, it *may* be you external and traceable)

To copy from that window, right click inside, select mark, highlight what you want and hit enter, the paste into the post box here

Also, do you have a FULL router, or is your mother's PC in soem way sharign the internet? Does your mtoher's Pc have to be on to get internet?

Also, Start > contoerl Panel > netowkr connections > double click the wired one > support and post what is in there

All of this is on your mother's comp.

Does it do this with all intense games, or just the one? Try movign your wireless router far away from your mother's comp.
Start > Run > type "msconfig".....
Didn't know it until now...but I have Ccleaner and went through and already did all that, meaning that doesn't/wouldn't fix anything.
Also, do you have a FULL router, or is your mother's PC in soem way sharign the internet? Does your mtoher's Pc have to be on to get internet?
I guess you could call it a full router, because her computer is off at the moment, and I'm posting this :D
Does it do this with all intense games, or just the one? Try movign your wireless router far away from your mother's comp.
That is the only really intense game I have. Why would moving the wirless router from my mother's computer help? She doesn't have a wireless card, and her's needs to be connected through the cat5 cable coming from the wireless router. Oops, this brings up another point, my router is both wireless and non. I can have up to 4 computer attached to it through cat5 cables and up to 12 computers connected to it total.

As for the rest of the stuff, if you could check back in this forum in about a week that would be great. My mothers power supply burnt out and I should have a new one in a week or so (thanks to eBay). Sorry for the wait, hope you don't mind.

Thanks for your intellegent help

P.S. I have a printer connected to mother's computer (Lexmark 4200 Series) that is networked for all 3 computer to use it to print. Don't know if that would/could effect anything, but just adding more info. (just thought of it too). :p