port forwarding

Sep 11, 2002
does anyone know how i would do port forwarding on a belkin routeR?i am totally clueless and im trying to run an ftp but i cant untill i do this forwarding thing
does anyone know how i would do port forwarding on a belkin routeR?i am totally clueless and im trying to run an ftp but i cant untill i do this forwarding thing
You didn't tell us which model, and I'm not sure if all Belkin firmware is the same, so it's pretty much impossible for us to help you.

Just read your manual and try to figure it out for yourself, it should be pretty clear with some reading.
Yea i know the address but when i log in its a bunch of bull...it doesnt have a port forwarding option but it has a virtual server option...is that the same thing?
"virtual server" and "port forwarding" are interchangeable terms in the home routers. you'll want to setup a "virtual server" for the port inwhich you want to forward to.
allright now im getting somewhere...here goes the bomb though...i do not know how to forward...lol....i took a screenshot of the page but i can't attch on this board...ummmmm

there is numbers 1-10
the top columns are private ip/public port/type/public port
then it will show the ip and leave the end blank for me to fill like this:192.xxx.x.blank
then a box to put in a private port number
then under type there are two circles...one is tcp and one is udp
then there is a box for a public port number
does this sound like port forwarding if so i need to forward ports 21 and 22 to my ip if that makes any sense...thank you guys for putting up with my stupidity..also i have a screenshot of it if you want me to email it to you.
well i took zone alarm off and viruses were coming at me left and right so i put it back on and no problems